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NoBones 09-17-2013 11:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Rest assured...;)
I WILL NOT be the first one to give Apo a credit card reservation!
Sounds like the first one will pick-up the tab for 15 rooms!! :eek:
Rain or shine...:rolleyes:

Tank-u, cum again!

Attachment 5282

DonV 09-18-2013 06:30 AM

"Honorable DonV" that's a stretch!!

We're looking to move our visit to the Granddaughters a few weeks earlier....more to come. In any case I'll make our reservations for ONE room when I back from fishing today.

Capt Chuck 09-18-2013 08:56 AM


These rooms are all non smoking and there are no pets allowed in the interior corridor building
Looks like the eggsucker gets the spot on the roof next to the squeeky ridge turbine :p

BTW: Yo Don, tell Akeem you'll take the handicap spot in the parking lot for your tent! (do you still get the continental breakfast?)

Islandtrader 09-18-2013 09:33 AM

Can we have a count again on who is planning to show up?

TK aka islandtrader is in for the above dates.

McGillicuddy 09-18-2013 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by eggsuckindog (Post 220009)
They've been trying to send me an email since Thursday - went from an Indian guy to an american, still no email at - chickens - suckin and dogs must be alien, trust me I've tried everything - must be the hotmail thats throwing them off

film at 11

Try adding an "i" for 100 on your hotmail address;)

DonV 09-18-2013 01:48 PM

Terry, put me in the "yes" column!

Chuck, I'm good with Habib, Akeem, Omar, Barrack, whatever his name is, he's got some good stuff to smoke with the free breakfast!!! I'm looking into a small tent, like GFS has....well maybe not that small, and pitch it in the dumpster.

eggsuckindog 09-18-2013 04:29 PM

Life is good again, glad to hear

Bones - its standard reservation policy, they really want to know about the slips more than anything. Susan will do ours as soon as we decide whether we want to stay Thurs night too.

the gag grouper have been very prolific all summer in 50' or less but Nov is a monster month if anybody is interested - all inshore fish will be around as well

its only 6 weeks now kids

eggsuckindog 09-18-2013 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Capt Chuck (Post 220079)
Looks like the eggsucker gets the spot on the roof next to the squeeky ridge turbine :p

BTW: Yo Don, tell Akeem you'll take the handicap spot in the parking lot for your tent! (do you still get the continental breakfast?)

The old rooms like when the Mosely's stayed there face the slips I'm pretty sure, theirs did anyway.

Chuck squeaky turbines don't bother me, I have 2 ex wifes, and can't hear chit anyway

RUSTYNTABATHA 09-18-2013 06:56 PM

I plan on being there boat or no boat... I am due to start a new job on nov 7th... and have alot on the plate that came up in the last month ... so we may be there in the car and borrow the brother in laws Hydro sport... we will be staying in port richey at his place..

Blue_Heron 09-18-2013 08:01 PM

I'm in. Not sure yet if I'll be bringing the Mrs. or a fishing buddy. I can hear the Groopah calling, and Julie don't go offshore.

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