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cdavisdb 07-09-2012 08:44 PM


Pics are coming, but will have to wait till the other guys get them up. Simon is on the way to Europe and Ted is a perfectionist with his videos, takes him a while. I promise, it will be worth the wait. We have some fabulous footage.

I did not bring a camera; that's their job.

Dave, since when are egg bearing females off limits? There did not used to be any regs at all on these and no reason to add any.

ct9amr: Do it!! Normally an easy trip. Go with another boat till you are used to it.

Ryan 07-09-2012 08:47 PM

Very cool, I wasnt trying to call you out, cant wait to see some of the action!

gofastsandman 07-09-2012 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by cdavisdb (Post 205041)
The normal lobster species is Panulirus argus. The lobster we went after are Panulirus guttatus. Lots of common names, Spanish lobster, spotted lobster, speckled lobster, etc. No regulation on them. They are actually fairly common on the reefs, but nobody sees them because they only come out at night and the populations are not dense. It takes just the right, man made environment for them to get super abundant.

Denny: Wind and wave was SSW. We were traveling just north of east. I'd guess steady wind force 6 with rapidly building seas and gusts to 7 and once to 8. 40 knots peak sounds about right. Wild stuff for this boy.

One of these days, I will get the introduction. Graphite rods hum before you get hit.

Of course you arr one of our best raconteeurrrs, who helps a bunch.

Nicely written.



cdavisdb 07-10-2012 07:37 AM

Thanks gofast and others. Its an honor and a pleasure to contribute.

Blue_Heron 07-10-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by cdavisdb (Post 205045)

Dave, since when are egg bearing females off limits?

Oops, you're right. The only other lobster species this applies to is one of the slipper lobsters that is sometimes referred to as Spanish Lobster. Not the same bug. Regardless, we always release egg bearing females for selfish reasons (so there will be more next year).

cdavisdb 09-26-2012 09:01 PM

First Video.

This is raw footage,straight off a gopro, unedited. Its kind of rough and only the first 7 minutes or so are worth watching, but it provides a feel for the crazyness that is diving with dolphins. The gopro was on a head mount and the videographer was jumping in and out of the water, trying to keep up with the dolphins.

Watch in hi def if your computer allows. and turn the sound up, the huffing and puffing adds to the feel.

More to come

cdavisdb 09-27-2012 07:37 AM

more raw video. This one is all in the water, thick with dolphins up close from about 3 minutes on. These cameras are very wide angle. When it looks like the dolphin is close to the camera, it is only inches away.

BigLew 09-27-2012 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by cdavisdb (Post 207941)
more raw video. This one is all in the water, thick with dolphins up close from about 3 minutes on. These cameras are very wide angle. When it looks like the dolphin is close to the camera, it is only inches away.

Look's like you made a few friends! Kudos!!!!!

cdavisdb 09-30-2012 06:34 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Finally getting around to a few stills.

The boat

luxury sleeping arrangements


cdavisdb 09-30-2012 06:39 PM

4 Attachment(s)
a few more, related to the stomach:

Ted and crab, um um!!

Crab reduced to eating parts

Coney grouper, the preferred eating fish.

The plate the Coney went on. This is Ted's plate. He doesn't eat enough to feed a shrimp. Loses 10-15 lbs every trip.

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