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Tiny 09-12-2014 10:38 PM

It's doable. It's a question of what you're comfortable with. I always try to consider the drift so that I'll have a good angle of attack on the return trip (hopefully). And yes, weather reports are often wrong, sometimes you just have to go and find out.

bgreene 09-13-2014 06:34 AM

I'm with Tiny on this one........

Do what feels right for you, when in doubt be extra careful.
Forecast is to calm during the day Sunday, so that's good.

I may delay my trip till mid day Sunday for the same reason, but will check conditions Saturday night and Sunday early via bouy reports etc....

Nothing to prove, safe boating.

hermco 09-13-2014 07:42 AM

Beware the sharknados when yer out there!

brushhippie 09-13-2014 07:08 PM

My goodness...not the sharknados! Great vid moose! Thats inspiring.

Bigshrimpin 09-14-2014 10:58 AM

4ft with 4second period. I'd stay home and rake leaves. I like fishing, but not in those conditions.

kmoose 09-14-2014 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bigshrimpin (Post 230892)
4ft with 4second period. I'd stay home and rake leaves. I like fishing, but not in those conditions.

When it comes to yard work or 4 footers I'll just drop them big tabs, take a seat midship and let the autopilot grind them out. I've been landlocked for three weeks now and I'm getting itchy. :D

Terry England 09-14-2014 09:38 PM

[QUOTE=kmoose;230898 I've been landlocked for three weeks now and I'm getting itchy. :D[/QUOTE]

Your dang gills are getting dried out Kenny !!!
What about thhe church fish fry, Brother? Did you show up with the "goods" like a disciple would? I know you were putt'in some up all summer.

Chrismacholz 09-15-2014 08:04 AM

Thanks for all the info guys. I went out yesterday morning with my brother and headed south with a 20-25kt wind at our backs. Conditions deteriorated the further we went but we arrived safely. The ride was not all that bad until the last few miles, and even then we never felt unsafe. I think we were both amazed at how well the boat handled it.

Drifting around in 4-footers isn't all that much fun, but around 1pm the wind dropped and shortly after we released a ~80lb mako. After that the wind went to zero and we lost the drift.

We cruised home in absolute glass conditions. It's amazing how quickly conditions can change.

Tiny 09-15-2014 08:14 AM

Glad you had a good time and a chance to break her in.

Highway12 09-19-2014 06:31 AM

Just remember, it's a little boat, a good little boat. The ocean can be very mean and unforgiving.

I wouldn't go out in a 23 foot boat in anything over 15 kts of wind, and i would try to keep that under 10 if I could. there is a huge difference between 10 kts and 15 kts.

If your looking at 10-15 kts add them together and that's what it will feel like!

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