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kmoose 04-23-2021 07:51 AM

Tabs are the main issue that I see. Bottom paint can take a few mph out of it too. My bracket is high but yours seem especially high so that is likely causing you to run the tabs down and motor tucked in which creates the turbulence interfering with the prop as well as extra drag.

It not going to be an easy fix but its totally fixable. Pull the motor, bracket and tabs. I don't know if those are scuppers on the outside but that is where the tabs need to be so new tab plate brackets will need to be modified (cut) to go around the scuppers. Fill and patch all holes, patch paint, drill and remount. It's a big job but nothing that couldn't be done in a week with about $1,700 in supplies including new tabs and bolts. The difference in performance would be priceless.

mazz888 04-23-2021 10:18 AM

I agree the money is worth it. I had planned to move the tabs so I guess I will start there and see how it goes. Any reason that I wouldn't reuse the tabs that are there now?

kmoose 04-23-2021 08:18 PM

2 Attachment(s)
You could but I would go with the biggest plates possible. Your bracket height is still very high and will continue to fight you but not as much as the tabs are now. Just for reference, my bracket is on the high side of acceptable. Also, consider a 4 blade prop.

wattaway2 04-25-2021 11:03 PM

I have to agree wasn’t able to get over this weekend hopefully Monday now and try to check the motor height. I would say starting with the tabs is the cheapest place to start. I have a issue with my ladder location on my bracket that limited me to a 12 x 9” tab but wish I had caught the issue before hand and was planning on the 12 x 12” tabs . Feel like the extra length would be a noticeable help and relocating outward will also help.

mazz888 04-26-2021 10:50 AM

Thanks guy I will start there and see what it does. I don't mind spending money to get this fixed time is my biggest issue.

thehermit 04-27-2021 08:08 AM

Just seeing this....sorry to hear about this mazz....there was an old thread on this when I was mounting bracket:

Im still running my old 250 DI and a 15x15 stainless OMC. I hated the viper!

I am about 3 3/4 to cav plate from flat keel.
Setback is 28"
Bracket keel is 4" above boat keel.

mazz888 04-27-2021 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by thehermit (Post 271564)
Just seeing this....sorry to hear about this mazz....there was an old thread on this when I was mounting bracket:

Im still running my old 250 DI and a 15x15 stainless OMC. I hated the viper!

I am about 3 3/4 to cav plate from flat keel.
Setback is 28"
Bracket keel is 4" above boat keel.

Hey Hermit! Yes this didn’t go as planned lol. I will get it sorted out I hope. I guess the logic to raise the bracket was justified in theory at the time of repower but I guess it might have opened up a new can of worms. Thanks for the measurements and the link I’m going to move the tabs this week. I hope you have a good season and if you want to try for a giant this year the invite is always open just let me know.

wattaway2 04-28-2021 03:21 PM

Just got to check my cav. plate 30” bracket and I’m at 5 1/2” above the keel . I’m wondering if the flat bottom vs a v bottom bracket is / would make a difference?
I’m not sure I could raise it that high with a 3 blade prop but the 4 blade likes it.

mazz888 05-04-2021 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by wattaway2 (Post 271571)
Just got to check my cav. plate 30” bracket and I’m at 5 1/2” above the keel . I’m wondering if the flat bottom vs a v bottom bracket is / would make a difference?
I’m not sure I could raise it that high with a 3 blade prop but the 4 blade likes it.

Thank you for the info I got the tabs moved old holes filled and glassed over. I hopefully can get some gel coat on it soon to finish the process and get it on the water to see what it is like now. I will try to get my hands on a 4 blade to try out. Again thank you everyone for the help I will update faster sea trial.

wattaway2 05-05-2021 02:11 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mazz888 (Post 271640)
Thank you for the info I got the tabs moved old holes filled and glassed over. I hopefully can get some gel coat on it soon to finish the process and get it on the water to see what it is like now. I will try to get my hands on a 4 blade to try out. Again thank you everyone for the help I will update faster sea trial.

Thought I’d add these pictures hopefully they might be of some help.

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