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Xcomunic8d 07-23-2022 04:37 AM

If she can’t find them give me a call I can draw something up for you. You should be able to fab these pretty easy.

Basketcase 07-27-2022 01:27 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are the ones that the PO had made (I think) for my Tsunami. Pretty slick.

77SceptreOB 07-27-2022 03:03 PM

Nice! I wonder where you can find that attachment hardware?

Xcomunic8d 07-28-2022 02:26 PM

It was probably custom milled out of aluminum stock. It’s very easy to shape on a bench grinder, die grinder or end mill.

I’d like to see some more pics of the joinery and details. I was kind of toying with how to make this already. I see the value in having one on my boat.

You able to post more pics basketcase? Looks like 2 layers 3/4” plywood.
I really like how it collapses down. I was thinking about making it to fold flat somehow but this would be easier.

Pm me basketcase and I can send my number. I assume we don’t have access to former builder. That is well within my capabilities to build.

Basketcase 07-29-2022 08:18 AM

Here is the link to a post from my boats previous owner. He mentions that the builder was from this page.

77SceptreOB 07-29-2022 10:32 AM

Wow, that's an old thread! Seems like a good design if still functioning now - 10 years later.

Xcomunic8d 07-30-2022 02:47 AM

Yeah good read there. The question of the female anchor of the hinge is the question now. But great pics of joinery. I’ll toy with hardware and design over next couple days.

After a little hunting I found this.

Those are ronstan 32 clips in the rails clips alone are 72 ea but would be moveable on a rail. I’m not suggesting those but maybe a fixed d ring something like this
Marine Grade Stainless Steel 316 Heavy Duty Diamond Pad Eye

I just hate that you will need 2 sets installed (port and stbd) and 1 for hatch. It’s so grainy I can’t make out how the originals mounted in the catalog.

Still hunting but boarding ladder hardware seems pricey.

Lifeislarge 08-01-2022 10:25 AM

Now that I've seen it I can make it. The only thing I would add is some kind of latch or stop that would prevent the ladder from folding while climbing it.

Basketcase 08-01-2022 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lifeislarge (Post 274842)
Now that I've seen it I can make it. The only thing I would add is some kind of latch or stop that would prevent the ladder from folding while climbing it.

Not needed. Once it's locked into place, it cannot fold.

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