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DonV 12-27-2016 06:37 AM

Ya did real good!!! Very nice :) Congratulations!

Fr. Frank 12-27-2016 08:47 AM

Totally sweet!

wattaway2 12-27-2016 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by uncleboo (Post 242930)
Overboard drain. That, I believe, is a fishbox. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I'm in the process of replacing/filling mine. Trying to find a fitting which is gonna have to be for a 2-1/4" thickness. Read some posts about there not being any reinforcement between the fishbox and the hull, but, mine does, plywood. If I can't find a fitting, I'm filling it.

Eeachoice has a long brass tube you can order in 5-6" long

Cptn5245 12-31-2016 04:57 PM

Wow, your boat looks fantastic! What are the hull and deck colors you used? Are they awlgrip products?

Ironmanangler 01-01-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cptn5245 (Post 248809)
Wow, your boat looks fantastic! What are the hull and deck colors you used? Are they awlgrip products?

Yes Awlgrip Snow White and whisper Gray

FAS 01-02-2017 08:02 AM

slick ride, super nice job!

Spruill242 01-02-2017 08:40 AM

Very clean. The guys at International Marine impress me every time. Awesome rebuild...

Cptn5245 01-16-2017 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ironmanangler (Post 248833)
Yes Awlgrip Snow White and whisper Gray

Thank you!

Ironmanangler 02-08-2017 07:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Lighting is done. Wondering if I should put her up for sale and get a 23?

TomParis 02-08-2017 11:04 AM

beautiful! Just curious how much did that 200 HP Suzuki cost?

Billybob 02-08-2017 11:23 AM

Damn, that came out great!
I'm painting a little Mako in whisper gray starting Saturday.

jorgeinmiami 02-09-2017 01:09 PM

Great Looking Boat!!!!

Would love to meet someday and take a look at yours and incorporate some of your ideas into mine


Ironmanangler 02-09-2017 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by jorgeinmiami (Post 249542)
Great Looking Boat!!!!

Would love to meet someday and take a look at yours and incorporate some of your ideas into mine


Ill be attending the Island party on March 18th i think its called picnic island, other then that Im usually coasting in Biscayne bay, nixon, and elliot. if not I'm in the keys

capthinkle 02-13-2017 11:05 PM

beautiful boat! I'm usually out in mine cruising the bay. See ya at the sandbar!

ccmontauk 02-14-2017 08:35 AM

Wow this thing is perfect. Nicely done IronMan. I think your boat may have made an appearance on Scott Martin's web series on YouTube. The episode is called Trick My Boat and aired yesterday. Scott brings his boat in for some stereo work and your boat (or its twin) is in the parking lot. I confess I paused the video and stared at your boat for a bit!

Ironmanangler 02-17-2017 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ccmontauk (Post 249630)
Wow this thing is perfect. Nicely done IronMan. I think your boat may have made an appearance on Scott Martin's web series on YouTube. The episode is called Trick My Boat and aired yesterday. Scott brings his boat in for some stereo work and your boat (or its twin) is in the parking lot. I confess I paused the video and stared at your boat for a bit!

haha funny it actually is and I'm the guy sitting on it and in the episode. I work for Kicker and we sponsored Scott. Great guy!

Thank you for the complements!

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