billythekid |
02-23-2018 08:09 PM |
Originally Posted by clb33fyxj
(Post 253052)
Billy, how do you like the splashwell cover? Im thinking of building one when i finally get around to rebuilding my 18... Wondering if its worth it. Thanks! Chris
its awsome I wouldnt want it any other way
Originally Posted by manitunc
(Post 253066)
Just went through your entire build. Loved it. So much of what you did was done on my 1968 19'. Mine has a little crack starting where the floor meets the side, so I'm going to reinforce that and also change out my hatches to guttered ones from Shine. Hoping to see the same smiles on my grand kids.
its what keeps me doing it. thank you
Originally Posted by JohnC
(Post 253067)
You have a beautiful crew! Fishing with the little ones and seeing them smile is about as good as it gets. The boat looks nice too. Great job on both.
they love the boat they prefer this one over the big one , as my little one puts it I feel like I am standing on water!!
Originally Posted by strick
(Post 255493)
This boat turned out Amazing!! Great Job Billy...The 20sf was one of my favorite boats...just small enough o get into tight places. I like that you left the bracket off. If I was to see a 20MA in my neck of the woods I might have to snatch it up and copy cat you on this one.
I got the praise from the almighty strick!!!!! I am waiting for you to start another build I can enjoy !!! keep up the good work