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Thomas 09-17-2022 10:11 AM

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Still back and forth on keeping the stringers or making my own. If i fab my own im ditching the casting platform and liner most likely. Off to remove the rest of the foam today..

Pics of my 16' Palm Beach rebuilt a few years ago- was ran into a sandbar off Boston then i bought it ff ebay. Hull was filled with sand, new deck, custom console, leaning post. Found the grab bar in a junkyard, pretty sure it was off a 20' seacraft.

Thomas 09-17-2022 12:37 PM

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Foams gone-cut the tops right off the stringers. Bad idea?

Petey 09-17-2022 07:40 PM

Yes the bottom of the storage compartment is cored with balsa 3/8”. If you look at my build you may see it. I did record mine due to I had the liner upside down.

Thomas 09-18-2022 08:09 AM

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Should have took a step back yesterday and reviewed how others did their stringers.

Do you guys think mine can be used and structurally sound again or build new ones?

Thomas 09-18-2022 01:55 PM

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Thanks, ended up tearing them out. Separation from the hull and in between layers was a deciding factor in that. Cut the front casting deck out too, all rotten.

Ill fab new stringers, keep the liner and tie it all back in.

dirtwheelsfl 09-18-2022 02:47 PM

Thats the way to do it. Those box stringers are such a waste of space!

Thomas 09-20-2022 07:09 PM

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Glad i took those box stringer out. Delam,voids and dry glass all around. Mine were actually layered with foam between the hull and stringers and was able to rip a few sections out by hand.:eek: Gotta trim up the deck lip and lots of grinding to do now...Then back into the garage.

Thomas 10-29-2022 05:24 PM

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Removed the liner, ground the whole hull and removed all loose glass. Got in in the garage,off the trailer onto stands and leveled. Using a sheet of melamine to clamp to the transom to fill in the big voids and beef up the laminate before the core gets bedded.

Thomas 11-06-2022 07:52 PM

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Glassing in all the holes on the transom,will do two or three layers of 1708 after this before the first layer of coosa goes in

Thomas 11-11-2022 08:36 PM

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Couple More on the old outdrive, should be up to about 1/8in now

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