flyingfrizzle |
02-25-2015 10:31 AM |
Originally Posted by Terry England
(Post 234550)
Frizz, All I know is the 'ol Merc Bridgeports "yodel".
I think in his heart of hearts, Verch would really like to be a River Racer and I'm not sure if he can get to 50 MPH with a Yamaha that doesn't weigh too much for his 20.
(Next your going to tell me there is no such thing as a "302" Chevy!)
Yodel they do, 240ish hp normal out of a Bridgeport. People turning them north of 10,000 rpm making more power than that. Bridgeport's were made from 87-91 as 2.4 liter motors. The 2.5 came out in 1991 and some of the first ones had 2.4 parts in them called "fat blocks". Mercury never made a bridged ported 2.5 but they should of. Mercury racing dumped the chrome bore 2.4 motors and started building the 260 2.5 nikasil blocks for race applications.
Now far as "No such thing" you are right there Terry, there were some 2.5 bridgeported blocks made, just not by mercury. An F1 racer named John Marles (owner or US 1 racing motors) actually took a steel bore 2.5 block and welded in an "Bridge" in the exhaust ports copying the 2.4 mercury factory build motor. He created a couple of these that were strong motors that made north of 350 hp!
So it may be an option, just a call to California, ask for John. Im sure he can get verch's boat to 50 mph plus and with the motor under 400lbs. Just not in a four stroke with good fuel mileage. lol
The optimax 200 xs is under 400 lbs and puts out a actual 240 hp and gets great fuel mileage as it is an opti! You can get one of them off the shelf new today for a meer $17,000!
If I had an extra $17k laying around that's what I would put on my 20' seacraft hull. Hey Dave, I have seen a few Hews hulls with the 200 xs optis mounted on the back and they fly!
Terry, you speak the truth... If there was a four stroke motor to fill this order it would be a top seller for sure! Sought by many found by few.