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Superminoh 09-18-2014 11:05 AM

heres where iam starting
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:)1971 20ft cc came from the jacksonville fl. area,now in willis texas. floor was out when i got it. thinking of seacast for transom and floor. and maybe under floor fuel tank. ttop looks to large. but may work with it anyway. cant have enough shade in texas anyway

Tiny 09-18-2014 12:14 PM

Love the tires! Good luck man!

Capt Chuck 09-18-2014 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Tiny (Post 230971)
Love the tires! Good luck man!

Just like my '68 350hp Firebird :D

Terry England 09-18-2014 08:38 PM

Yeller Rose of Texas!

Originally Posted by Superminoh (Post 230969)
:) T-top looks to large.

You should know - Ever-thang is bigger in Texas! (well, except the front axle tire - it looks like it's from Rhode Island!)
It is the right dang Amerillo Yeller color though, ain't it? OK, -enough pranc'in around in yer cowboy boots - break out the saw-zall and angle grinder and git to work!

hallburg 09-19-2014 12:16 AM

Dig in, good luck on your project!

Superminoh 09-29-2014 08:04 PM

some new questions
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ok digging in to look at what i have. i notice of the center stringers the left one is away from the transom about 20 inches, the right one tappers down to the transom like most i have seen on here . is this factory ? got the 150 stack 6 mercury running. so now i can take it off and clean the old plywood out of transom. my question to you master boat builders is ,can you slide plywood in and resin it in if you clean out the transom like seacast advices. 2nd ? i found a distributer for a product called arjay 6011 an y one use this. ican pick it up at fiberglass shop here in houston area for $162.00 for 5 gals no freight.7

Superminoh 09-29-2014 08:15 PM

also when reading differant rebuild threads it seems some have taken foam out from between the stringers and not replaced it. and some put it up in the gunnel.the reason i ask is because sea cast is suggesting i space the deck(floor) off the stringers. others here seem to say bond deck straight to stringers for max strength. thoughts

Bushwacker 09-29-2014 09:28 PM

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Originally Posted by Superminoh (Post 231182)
ok digging in to look at what i have. i notice of the center stringers the left one is away from the transom about 20 inches, the right one tappers down to the transom like most i have seen on here . is this factory ? . . .

Your boat probably had the bait well under port seat. See pic below. The outboard stringer is outboard of bait well, so it probably looks just like stbd outboard stringer. Do you have a pattern of 1/8" holes at waterline on port side of transom, with a bigger 3/8" diameter hole in center? That was the inlet/outlet for the bait well.

Superminoh 09-30-2014 09:53 PM

boat porn
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well youve all seen this before. nows its offical we have to go all the way on the transom.

Superminoh 10-06-2014 09:14 AM

more pics
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just could not get all wood out with 20 inch chain saw. so off came the inner wall. you can see how far the chain saw made it.the most rot was upon the sides where the plywood meet the hull.and just below engine. wood was put together with brads are thin nails. the pile of wet wood that couldnt reach weighed 50 lbs.and there is still 30 lbs are so left on back side. the dremal maxi tool is great for cutting the inner skin.

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