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Topflitegraphics 10-28-2017 07:31 PM

20' Superfisherman vs Master Angler
I recently sold a 20' Sailfish I had to buy a house. Loved the way the boat rode and since it was a clone of a Seacraft 20, I decided to look for another.

The reason for my post is I came across a 20 foot Master Angler today. Just curious if these hold their value the same way as the superfisherman does? Honestly, I liked the extra room that the 3 piece hull affords. It seemed a lot bigger inside. Plus,. The higher gunwales seem like they would make fishing more comfortable.

It needs a lot of cosmetic work plus the engine is a 1987 but I think I can get it for the right price. I would like to keep it for a while and then move up to a 23 when the budget allows. I just don't want to buy it and then not be able to sell it when I am ready to upgrade.


wattaway2 10-28-2017 09:24 PM

Had a 20 sf but always liked the extra depth of the master angler and resessed bow rail. I feel it is a much safer boat for offshore work not that the sf is bad

Topflitegraphics 10-29-2017 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by wattaway2 (Post 254712)
Had a 20 sf but always liked the extra depth of the master angler and resessed bow rail. I feel it is a much safer boat for offshore work not that the sf is bad

I felt the same way when I was standing in it. It feels so much bigger than the SF inside. Just curious if they are appreciated as much as the SF is when it comes to resale.

caper 10-29-2017 10:39 AM

Yes they are.

Topflitegraphics 10-31-2017 08:53 AM

Cool. I may try and sea trial her this weekend. If it runs as good as the owner claims, I will make an offer...

jorgeinmiami 10-31-2017 12:14 PM

I have had both and the master angler feels so much larger than the SF

DoozleD 11-04-2017 08:09 AM

I have one and i love it!!!...Im 6foot and i like the extra hight. I allso love the fact that it has boxes in the back corners!...Not the dumb low hatches! Safer boat allaround!!

Topflitegraphics 11-04-2017 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by DoozleD (Post 254794)
I have one and i love it!!!...Im 6foot and i like the extra hight. I allso love the fact that it has boxes in the back corners!...Not the dumb low hatches! Safer boat allaround!!

Cool. Thanks for your input everybody. I appreciate it.

Vezo, Part II 11-04-2017 11:11 AM

I think my brother, 1988 18 SF, would agree that my 20 MA is significantly larger. Oh, and mine is a mint Garage Queen. Haha

Vezo, Part II

Any chance I could get my old sig pic back? Both boats moored together.

Topflitegraphics 11-06-2017 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Vezo, Part II (Post 254798)
I think my brother, 1988 18 SF, would agree that my 20 MA is significantly larger. Oh, and mine is a mint Garage Queen. Haha

Vezo, Part II

Any chance I could get my old sig pic back? Both boats moored together.

Would love to see some pics of the Garage Queen :)

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