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65Bowrider 07-23-2009 09:13 AM

Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
With Mini Lobster Season only a week away and several of you planning to come to the keys ...
Why not have a mini gathering ???

Friday night AFTER mini lobster season, (July 31st) around 5pm--ish at our place. (mm 97.5, oceanside, 3 houses North of Snappers Restaurant)

Bring something to throw on the grill and your favorite beverage. We'll have the rest (side dishes) and two BBQ's ready for use.
If you're here with friends, they're welcomed too.
Hope to see you here!

Snookerd 07-23-2009 10:45 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Sounds enticing..........Thanks Carla! I will be over on the East Coast next weekend. I can taste those tails now ;)

nestorpr 07-23-2009 03:58 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
I would love to come by and meet everyone, will confirm my attendance during the week. Jorge, you up for a day trip, we could leave around 3 PM and be back that same night?

Bushwacker 07-23-2009 11:34 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Carla invited Shadow and I down a couple of weeks ago, so we brought the Seafari down today! Am using Skips computer to write this! Got at least 3 good washdowns from thunderstorms on the way!

Will do some scouting for bugs the next few days and hopefully find some good spots! This mini-gathering will be a blast! Any of you folks down this way that haven't met Skip and Carla, you need to get with it and come meet them! Two of the nicest folks you'll ever meet and hospitality second to none! :)

small45 07-23-2009 11:55 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
i'm heading out in the morning for big pine. i'm not that familiar with the far is that from key largo? if it's not too long a haul, i'd love to come.

Ryank 07-24-2009 10:44 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
We are coming down in 2 weeks, we will be in Islamorada from Tuesday 8/4 until 8/11. If anyone is going to be around down there to get together let me know.

65Bowrider 07-24-2009 08:41 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Snookerd ... just gotta turn that wheel SOUTH! If you're stopping by your folks, be sure to say hello for me.

Anyone else coming ... going to miss a good time and of course some good stories about how the BIG one got away...

RyanandRenee ... just gotta come a few days earlier ... but we'll see you when you get down here even if it's not until the 4th.
Have a great week, good hunting for lobster and hope to see you Friday night!

BigLew 07-25-2009 12:28 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo

We've never met and I'm jealous. Lobster, cookout, FL Keys, Great Boats...sounds like something not to be missed!

gofastsandman 07-25-2009 01:19 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
The Hookah has landed :) Many thanks NoBones. Giving up 30 years of #s was very generous of you. My expectations have risen greatly. Sorry you and Patti can`t make it. I`ll post some pics of your awesome rig when we get home.
Hey BigLew, what`s the best thing comin outta Plum Island?
95 South!
Wook Wook Wook!

BigLew 07-25-2009 10:48 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
GFS - One thing for sure. It's not the greenheads!

We rented there for about 9 months when we first came up here is '79. Talk about a cummunity of hermits!!! A lot has changed out there. The houses have gotten a bit fancier and the prices have definitely gone up, but it is still pretty raw, er, I mean "rustic"- particularly in the winter. A lot of beach erosion too.

I hear you about 95, though.

We actually live in West Newbury, west of Newburyport. Forty five hundred people, 5000 deer and about 3000 wild turkey- go figure! Nice though.

gofastsandman 07-26-2009 10:43 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Forty five hundred people, 5000 deer and about 3000 wild turkey- go figure! Nice though.

Is the Grog still there? Good onion soup if memory serves.
I was in Vt. 2 yrs ago and the Turkey were EVERYWHERE. On main roads. 30, 40, and 50 at a time. We sure kept them in check in the day. I think I know why. The next generations don`t believe in People Eating Tasty Animals. Nothing like young toms in the fall eating apples, nuts, and berries. Yum!

BigLew 07-26-2009 09:12 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
The Grog is still there along with Fowles News Stand and soda fountain. They haven't changed the decor much either. Micheal's Harborside and Hudson's Boat Yard as well, if you should know/remember them.

gofastsandman 07-27-2009 09:07 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Nice memories. We used to hit Harborside in`78/`79 with fake id`s.

PipeDreamsMarine 07-30-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo

With Mini Lobster Season only a week away and several of you planning to come to the keys ...
Why not have a mini gathering ???

Friday night AFTER mini lobster season, (July 31st) around 5pm--ish at our place. (mm 97.5, oceanside, 3 houses North of Snappers Restaurant)

Bring something to throw on the grill and your favorite beverage. We'll have the rest (side dishes) and two BBQ's ready for use.
If you're here with friends, they're welcomed too.
Hope to see you here!

Anyone going to be around Saturday the 1st.. I'm going to be in Miami Beach at the USCG base Goverment Cut and I'm done at 11 am and I'm looking goof-off the rest of the day and night. I't not a bad drive down to the keys, I head home 10:30 Sunday...

nestorpr 07-31-2009 02:07 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Sorry, won't return from my trip on time to attend the gathering, have fun! :(

65Bowrider 07-31-2009 10:28 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Come on down!!!
Bushwacker & GFS are already here ...
Got 2 boats ready for fishing.
Sending pm.

Botapeje ... sorry you can't make it ... plan for next year!

DonV 08-01-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
Good morning to all...........I hope everyone is full recovery mode this morning!! :)

65Bowrider 08-02-2009 12:32 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
A great mini gathering for Mini lobster season.
grilling lobster, snapper & dolphin ...
Great friends & conversation = great time.

BigLew 08-02-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
"PIC'S?" We'd all like to see any taken to document the "lascivious debachery" of all things SeaCraft!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

Mike5000 08-02-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
It sounds like you guys had a blast. Congrats on the mahi mahi. :)


65Bowrider 08-06-2009 05:28 PM

Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo
BigLew, I was so busy handling boat, Fla Cracker Air & hoses to find time for a camera ... but we did have fun, only got 10. NEXT YEAR we'll be more experienced & have better success.
Mike, I can't take credit for the Mahi-Mahi, brought by keyscruz for grillin...but it still tasted good!

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