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FishStretcher 11-04-2012 07:21 PM

Building splashwells for 20 Master Angler
I am going to build a modified splash well for my 20 MA. It has a 20" transom. I think I am going to build a plug, then a real female mold, from which I can pull multiple parts. I will probably vacuum bag mine with a foam core. Maybe even do it out of carbon, as I have some kicking around. It will have a bump out so an outboard can trim all the way up- which is why I am doing this. Mine doesn't have this feature.

I am considering selling these if there is interest. Hermco doesn't make them, unfortunately.

jorgeinmiami 11-05-2012 03:07 PM

I have an factory splash well on my MA and it wworks great

eggsuckindog 11-05-2012 05:18 PM

I don't even use my full door one, but the trim is an issue, nasty crunching sounds when I forget - I would use a split door like a Sceptre out of Teak or starboard hinging the top half and a couple bungies for trim. I used bungies for trim and it worked fine on mine cause I would forget I had it on, I go in and out too much so don't use it. Doesn't take any room and my MA has 1/2" molded cut out for it.

gofastsandman 11-05-2012 10:53 PM

Getting water out is just as important as taking.

Bigshrimpin 11-06-2012 12:04 PM

If I ever got another 20MA . . . I would make something like this, but a little nicer.

Back in the day 2005 . . . I made a mold and did a splashwell for a 20MA, but I never finished that project boat and it went to the dump.

FishStretcher 11-10-2012 11:11 AM

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The plug is started. It is solid, as I am thinking of vacuum bagging the plug and mold, just to keep the mess down, plus I can sand the radii into it with a long board before I attach the "bump out" to the door. Plus I don't have a nice table saw for compound joinery. I am more of a CNC mill guy than a Delta table saw guy.

I haven't done parts from scratch in a while- I am working in the corner of my garage for now until it gets too big.

I will post the CAD screenshot of the tilted motor showing where the motor interferes. It looks like 8" is what I need with an in-line 4 cylinder 4 stroke like my Yamaha. Maybe Jorgeinmiami can take a tape measure to his to check clearance. I think he has a tower of power on his 20' MA.

Two things I noticed:

I haven't worked extensively with MDF before. Wow, is it dusty. I am using my paint respirator with the pink N95 "bodyman" filters.

Cordless power tools have come a long way with lithium-ion. I bought a Ryobi 18V combo package, and the circular saw has paid for itself already.

jorgeinmiami 11-10-2012 02:59 PM

You could have "borrowed" mine to do a plug

FishStretcher 11-10-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by jorgeinmiami (Post 209301)
You could have "borrowed" mine to do a plug

You were nice enough to offer it about year ago, unfortunately I was too busy to be able to pull a mold from it then, plus I didn't want to be the guy who borrows a rare part and damages it... :)

Bigshrimpin 11-11-2012 12:02 PM

Ah fishST . . . have you considered adding a 9" jackplate and seal the edges of the splashwell gate permanently? That should give you the room to get full tilt range without having to fold down the gate.

FishStretcher 11-11-2012 03:37 PM

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My CAD model dictating the minimum protrusion needed.

FishStretcher 11-12-2012 10:50 PM

so I think I want to put a ~6" wide cushion around the edge. Like what is on the inner cap edge/ gunwale on some 23 footers I have seen. So now that toes can be under the bump out, it will be possible to bang kneecaps into the top, so a cushioned pad should be there. Is there a trick to this, or just go to any upholstery shop? One with a nice SeaCraft logo would be just the thing.

FishStretcher 11-25-2012 10:38 AM

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I have cut up a lot of MDF. The bump out looks huge, but it is only 7.5" deep so far, with 10 layers of 3/4" MDF. I think I will put the top lip facing inwards, maybe 5/8" and a coaming pad about 2" thick just under it.

The layers aren't bonded together yet, just stacked atop each other.

It is about 20" wide at the most top/forward point. A couple more layers and then I break out the 36 grit belt sander to put the giant radii in it.

Rlbol 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

Why waste the space? If you want it closed them enclose the transom and do a bracket. The splash well would take up a fair amount of fishing space, if in fact you are fishing. If you don't fish then there is no reason not to have a closed transom!

FishStretcher 11-26-2012 09:12 PM

Well, I might like a bracket, but that isn't in the upgrade schedule right now, plus this allows you to keep the center of mass in about the right spot when you are up on plane, with the resulting good handling. I think Bushwacker has a few excellent posts on the pros and cons of brackets.

It also keeps water out of the boat a lot better than the 20" cutout, and it allows me to fish better, like backing down on a fish or over a spot on the bottom.

FishStretcher 02-10-2018 03:15 PM

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Made some progress, finally!

uncleboo 02-10-2018 04:45 PM

Fine work there.

FishStretcher 02-11-2018 09:42 AM

Once I pull a part or two, maybe someone would want the plug?

Vezo, Part II 02-20-2018 02:16 PM

Nice work FishStretcher! With the available toe kick, I’ve never found the splashwell intrusive while fishing. And even though I never saw the need to have it caulked tight, it saved my arse from sinking one time while WAY overloaded for an island weekend camp, and backing off the trailer directly into 3’ rollers I’ve never seen at the ramp. Fortunately, my non-boating partner paid attention and backed down in time for me to reload. It was a lot better than what was inevitable. I may be interested in a replacement for mine to lose the old power head/tilt cutout. Further, I have a full engine shroud from a SeaVee 25 that you or may not be interested in as a plug. Not sure the Snowbirds staying at my house in Fla., would strap it to the roof of their Jeep Cherokee, when returning June 1st to the Cape. Just a few random thoughts. I’d love to have the shroud as an additional seat while cruising, bait station, two additional rod holders, noise canceling of my two stroke, and if reinforced, possibly a cobia spotting platform.

Vezo, Part II

Basketcase 02-23-2018 11:49 AM

Looks like a nice plug! I bet it weights a ton! Looking forward to seeing the progress.

Vezo, Part II 03-20-2018 10:58 PM

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Hello, Fishstretcher. Any productivity on the splashwell? Since my 1999 OMC V-6 is marginally reaching, and base of splashwell 21 3/4” from top of transom, maybe you could build a top, just inverted? Any thoughts?

Vezo, Part II

Vezo, Part II 07-31-2018 02:05 PM

Hello FishStretcher. Any progress on your final product? I’d like to close the cutout for the outboard while tilted up, but was hoping you had finished yours. Any new reports? Thanks.

Vezo, Part II

Vezo, Part II 08-17-2018 12:45 PM

Still around Fishstretcher?


FishStretcher 08-23-2018 09:07 PM

Been super busy with work. Plug is about done. Plan to take the first splash off of it in a month. Family stuff ties me up until then.

Vezo, Part II 08-23-2018 10:12 PM

Standing by, Thanks.

FishStretcher 08-23-2018 11:27 PM

Yeah. Bought a house and then family stuff came up. But I have a better shop now. The plug is sanded.

Vezo, Part II 02-18-2019 02:24 PM

Any news FishStretcher? Just curious.

Vezo, Part II

FishStretcher 01-12-2020 11:32 PM

I finally got back to this. Life got in the way. I sealed, them waxed the plug tonight for I hope the 4th and final time.

jorgeinmiami 01-13-2020 12:43 PM

I have an Original MA splash well that you can use to male a plug.

If it helps you let me know

FishStretcher 01-13-2020 01:20 PM

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Thanks! If I goof this, then I may take you up on it. Don?t judge me on my workspace... I finally got a warm day. In January. :D

FishStretcher 01-26-2020 10:09 PM

project is paused this week for non-optional house repair.

FishStretcher 06-14-2021 08:02 PM

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Some pictures. Almost done. Finally.

Twill and uni carbon with divyncel H80 core and Mertons vinylester epoxy.

Cross posted in the Hermco splashwell mold thread. I may pull a "pretty" part then offer up the mold.

This one is 8lbs.

Old'sCool 06-14-2021 08:29 PM

I may be interested. Please keep me in mind.

FishStretcher 06-14-2021 09:39 PM

I can, but this is specific to a master angler, unless that gap and tall cap fits another boat? I expect that I am not interested in going into production. VE resin is $75 a gallon, and I am too old for this. I started the plug a long time ago- maybe 2013? It looks like you have a 23 footer? I have a 20 foot MA.

Old'sCool 06-15-2021 07:22 AM

23' is sold SPF and plans are next up is a 20' MA

FishStretcher 06-15-2021 07:51 AM

That makes more sense! That mold might be good for 3-4 more parts. After I clean up this one, we should talk.

FishStretcher 07-02-2021 06:20 AM

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So the mold needs a doable tweak. It’s a long story but I forgot about the step in the cap. I ground it to fit but it could use tuning. Still, it works great and there is no perception of lost space due to the toe kick area. Gel coat had clumps so this has texture. I may sand and refinish if/when I redo the decks and cap.

FishStretcher 07-11-2021 10:01 PM

If anyone local wants my old flat splashwell gate, let me know.

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