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tunacious 03-10-2013 08:00 PM

20' Master Angler T Top or naked?
2 Attachment(s)
Really like the funcionality of the t top but worried that it will be to much on this boat. Due to the wide console, the passageway between the T Top legs and gunwales is very narrow. Also, if I use the T Top, should I remove the console grab bar? Any words of wisdom from the pros.

DonV 03-10-2013 09:00 PM old Johnson 140 "cross fire"!! I've had two of those and ran them until they were on their death bed!! Good memories.

I'm a yea on the T-top, your call on the grab bar. I don't have a windshield. If I need to stop the rain I roll down a strata glass windshield I had made.

jorgeinmiami 03-11-2013 08:15 AM

A yes on the t top
If you don't want it send it down south to me the sun is a killer here in South Florida

tunacious 03-11-2013 08:52 AM

Thanks guys. Think I will be installing the T Top next weekend. If it doesn't work out, I'll send it to Jorge. We only get about three sunny days a year in PA.

mrobertson 03-11-2013 03:24 PM

really just depends on what you want to do with the boat.

i am NO on the T-Top - however, i have a 20 with no top and a 23 with a top so i have sort of the best of both worlds.

I use my 20 as a run around and do alot of saltwater flyfishing on it. Just a great all around boat with alot of capability.

CHANCE1234 03-11-2013 04:13 PM

I too like the no ttop look on a 20. I used to have a 23 with a dog house and it was nice to get out of the sun and WX. But on the 20 I like the wind in my hair and sun on my back

wattaway2 03-11-2013 06:45 PM

I had a 5x7 t top on my old 20 sf and while I loved the t-top in retrospect I might go with a smaller top on the 20 can't remember how many time myself And others hit it on the back cast. 4x6????????

Mikem8560 03-11-2013 07:35 PM

aside from the nonstop sun here I like the firm handhold. being a stroke survivor I have some minor balance issues and when you need a grab fast the t top is nice. my window grap bar was gone when I bought the boat but I had a cobis and kept the bar when I added a t top good to have incase you decide to remove the top or the next owner

Mark 03-11-2013 08:23 PM

T-top on a 20'? -wouldn't own one without!

95% of my fishing is with a fly rod. Anyone that finds a t-top to be in the way needs to trade in their rods for a handline and a bucket of worms, they have no business with a rod that requires casting.

CHANCE1234 03-11-2013 08:30 PM

I do love Marks 20 with a ttop. Very clean and simple!

Beaver 03-13-2013 03:10 PM

Marks 20 does look great with that T top.

I just recently went through the same process on my 18. The T Top it came with was newer but pretty
badly pitted. I also didnt care for the design of mine. Combined with the fact Im a west coast free diver and like the sun to warm me it went. I sold it easily for $750 and put the money into other things needed for the boat. A year later I havent looked back.

Captppan 03-15-2013 10:06 PM

No top on my 23 CC Inboard, and I plan to keep it that way.

strick 03-16-2013 09:14 AM

I'm a yes and a no. Marks T-top is the only t-top I would have on a 20. Most of them look too big and bulky. Having it custom built to the shape of the consel and fit of the boat seems to be the way to go. You can always go bimini like I did on my 20. When I go out with the family the bimini goes on....but when it's just me and my buddies I take it off. (No pun intended capt Chuck) :)


eggsuckindog 03-16-2013 11:08 PM

after owning my first its great, really too many reasons but hard to think of not having one. I am also a stroke survivor, although I don't have any balance issues per se except when I might hang with Denny and his Demon sauce too much - it helps alot to hold on getting out at the dock - just say'in

tunacious 03-17-2013 12:06 PM

Marks boat looks great with the top but my console is a lot wider and being a master angler, I think the gunwale caps are wider. This leaves very little space between the top and the gunwales to pass through.

Mark 03-17-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by tunacious (Post 213350)
Marks boat looks great with the top but my console is a lot wider and being a master angler, I think the gunwale caps are wider. This leaves very little space between the top and the gunwales to pass through.

If your console is original, it's wider than mine was.
My gunwale caps were wider (they weren't left at the original width).

If you are leaving everything original, you have a very different critter than I did. The hull is the only thing that remained original on mine......and I'm not entirely certain we should have even retained that.

flyingfrizzle 03-17-2013 09:37 PM

Take this in account, if your planning on fishing the back water you might be limited on where you can go with the t-top. There are a lot of lower bridges that won't clear the top. If you are not doing this then a goog fitting top that is not to large for the smaller 20 also that matches the boat's consoles lines would be fine to me. I'm putting one on my 23 but not the 20 due to this. Just a thought...

Mikem8560 03-18-2013 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by eggsuckindog (Post 213347)
after owning my first its great, really too many reasons but hard to think of not having one. I am also a stroke survivor, although I don't have any balance issues per se except when I might hang with Denny and his Demon sauce too much - it helps alot to hold on getting out at the dock - just say'in

stroke survivor also and yes it does help to have a good handhold when you need it

hugo 03-18-2013 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
love having my top, wouldnt even be a thought in the future. the sun down here is a killer!

Beaver 03-18-2013 02:11 PM

Hugo, yours looks great!

22Conch 08-23-2015 09:58 PM

Pics of 20s with t-tops

Originally Posted by CHANCE1234 (Post 213176)
I do love Marks 20 with a ttop. Very clean and simple!

Please repost pics and or post more of 20s with tops. I think I want to go that route with mine.

22Conch 03-17-2016 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kc fishin (Post 238368)
Please repost pics and or post more of 20s with tops. I think I want to go that route with mine.


72potter20 03-19-2016 01:05 PM


I would prefer not to have one, but i need the sun protection. Better safe than sorry.

72potter20 03-19-2016 01:12 PM


22Conch 03-20-2016 08:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks 72 Potter. I have a merc on mine too. What kind of performance and numbers do you get?
Attachment 12091

72potter20 03-20-2016 09:59 AM

is that a 150 or 115?

My 115 hits 44-45 mph routinely. I saw 47 once in ideal conditions, wind at my back and just me and a quarter tank of gas. That was without the t-top. You?

22Conch 03-20-2016 10:15 AM

I have a 150 4 stroke. Mine tops at about 40 but ive seen 43. Maybe 45 with half a tank. I have a 70 gallon tank. But its very fuel efficient getting 3.5-4mpg. I can go a long way in a little boat.

Thinking about putting a jack plate on my to increase speed and efficiency. And get shallower.

22Conch 03-29-2016 07:57 PM

Bump for more pics of 20s w ttops and enclosures and discussion thereof. Debating on on adding one.

HatTrick 04-04-2016 01:06 PM

I like No T Top but the weather in MA isn't like Florida.

TopSeacret 04-07-2016 09:49 PM

We had a top but went nekked after the restoration.

Old'sCool 04-08-2016 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by TopSeacret (Post 242851)

1st post and restoration requires more pictures 👍. Start a new thread and show it off.

Beaver 04-08-2016 07:15 AM

I agree!!! Your 20 looks really nice. Ive got to believe that 225 gets it moving.

I had a t-top on my 18 when I got it and ended uo removing it and selling it (mostly because I didn't like the design of it and it had water spots all over it from the previous owner not wiping it down). Since I am mostly freediving on the west coast, the sun is a good thing. If I was fishing and in the boat all day I think I would have bought another t-top. I like the shade and the hand hold while moving around the deck that a t-top offers. I think a 20 with a well designed t-top looks great.

thehermit 04-08-2016 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Old'sCool (Post 242852)
1st post and restoration requires more pictures ��. Start a new thread and show it off.

oh my! 225 ;)

That's an awesome layout...I love those.

FishStretcher 04-10-2016 12:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I added a bolt on T Top. It isn't pretty but I love the shade.

McGillicuddy 04-10-2016 12:43 PM

Squamous skin cell carcinoma sucks. Melanoma sucks worse. Keep the top, live long and prosper. Casting should be second nature, but hand-lining doesn't suck. Some of my most fun and memorable fishing experiences were hand-lining tasty corvina and corbina in Sea of Cortez and hand-lining albacore and bft on whisky lines off California coast.

Nice looking MA. Cheers,

seecraft75 04-28-2016 09:59 AM

I am looking for a used T-TOP for my 1975 18. Anyone know where to find one, and what size

22Conch 06-21-2016 09:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is mine w top just installed. Havent gotten to enclosure yet.

manitunc 03-01-2017 11:53 AM

where did you get that top. looks perfect

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