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reelchaos27 09-16-2013 05:47 PM

20 SF 72' Restoration, New to Forum
Hey Guys,

First off..all the info on here has been extremely helpful and I really enjoy seeing the progress within the CS community. Got to meet Ole at Parker Yachts,ran some initial ideas and power options with him. His build along with some other 20 Sf's will be very useful for us :)

We have set up shop here in North Miami and have started up on a sweet little project. Its a Potter 72 20Sf. The owner will keep it down in the keys on a trailer and will do some offshore and inshore fishing.

Got her inside and today started stripping her down. Rub rails, rotted transom, foam, and rigging have been removed. Stringers look in good shape but will need some touch up in certain areas.

Looking forward to feedback and discussing any hick-ups which we may run into down the road.

Caymanboy 09-16-2013 07:34 PM

That must be an early 72', the 72' I just did had twin box stringers, not the four setup in this boat.

CHANCE1234 09-16-2013 07:43 PM

Looks just like mine did but mine is titled as a 73. I think it's more of a 71 as it had a hand carved HIN on the transom. I think HINs were required after 72?

Good luck on the build.

RUSTYNTABATHA 09-16-2013 08:31 PM

Cool !! Saw this one on on Craigslist !!!! glad to see it started !!

strick 09-16-2013 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by CHANCE1234 (Post 220028)
Looks just like mine did but mine is titled as a 73. I think it's more of a 71 as it had a hand carved HIN on the transom. I think HINs were required after 72?

Yep mid 73 they started stamping the HIN on the transom.


flyingfrizzle 09-17-2013 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Caymanboy (Post 220027)
That must be an early 72', the 72' I just did had twin box stringers, not the four setup in this boat.

Most 72's have the quads from what I have seen. Think that change was made late in that year.
It also has a flat cap with no recessed grab rail. Not sure when that changed.

Caymanboy 09-17-2013 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by flyingfrizzle (Post 220043)
Most 72's have the quads from what I have seen. Think that change was made late in that year.
It also has a flat cap with no recessed grab rail. Not sure when that changed.

The 20's don't have the recessed grab rails, the 23's do.

flyingfrizzle 09-17-2013 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Caymanboy (Post 220044)
The 20's don't have the recessed grab rails, the 23's do.

Thats right, I was having a brain fart at that moment.

parrott 09-17-2013 07:13 AM

20' MA has the recessed bow rail.

RUSTYNTABATHA 09-17-2013 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by parrott (Post 220046)
20' MA has the recessed bow rail.

YEP... And its a pain in the but to clean behind...

flyingfrizzle 09-17-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by parrott (Post 220046)
20' MA has the recessed bow rail.

I thought one of my 20's had a recessed bow rail. I was begaining to think I was crazy for a moment there.

red20 09-17-2013 08:40 PM

Previous owner was proud of his annual registration stickers.

reelchaos27 09-18-2013 12:28 AM

Yes definitely not the best look..

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