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MarkR 06-02-2015 10:01 AM

1975 Sceptre Inboard
1 Attachment(s)
PayPal 94N505088K182181R

Rare Inboard Sceptre, repowered last fall (2 break-in hours only), ten year history. email for more info or pictures. $19,000.

MarkR 06-02-2015 10:28 AM

Additional Infomation

One of twenty six inboard models made. Original gelcoat, no paintwork. Bow rails, aluminum frame windshield with tinted glass, teak swim platform, two sets SS bimini bows and canvas for template. Wilcox Crittenden head in cabin, VHF radio, Ritchie F-82 compass and Garmin GPS. Marine Power 350, Rochester four-barrel, 260HP, (new 2014 GM longblock), raw water cooled, Borg-Warner 71C V-Drive, 1 Ό” SS shaft, 16” x 15” bronze prop. with cup. 20 knots cruise @ 2800 rpm, 30 knots @ WOT.
2003 Float-On Aluminum I Beam torsion axle tandem trailer.

2003 Improvements:
• 2003 Float-On 6000# Aluminum I-beam trailer with disc brakes
• New 65 gallon fuel tank and all lines replaced
• Decks rebuilt
• Carberator rebuilt
• All cooling hoses and claps replaced
• New alternator, battery and cables
• New “SeaCraft” emblems to match originals
• New Morse single lever control
2004 Improvements:
• New Faria gauges and digital depth with shoot thru hull transducer
• New woodgrain dash panels engraved to match originals
• All running gear removed, machined replaced/repacked, shaft straightened, new cutlass bearing
• New antivibe engine mounts
• New exhaust manifolds, risers, mufflers, hoses and clamps
• New Jabsco bronze raw water pump
• Rewired at engine, dashboard and switch-panel
• Cabin doors repaired and varnished
• New cabin cushions
• New Blower
• New transmission overtemp indicator light and bilge pump running indicator light.
• New 360 gpm manual bilge pump (automatic pump is 1500 gpm with warning light on dash)
2005 Improvements:
• Seats and engine cover re-upholstered.
• Exhaust through transom fittings replaced
• Transmission painted, cooler and lines replaced and shift fluid valve seal replaced
• Starter motor replaced
• Rodholders and aft bulkhead battery compartment door refinished
• Head and associated seacocks, hoses and clamps replaced
2006 Improvements:
• Replaced steering cable
2007 Improvements:
• Rebuilt raw water pump
2009 Improvements:
• New Mallory YLE Distributor
2010 Improvements:
• New “SeaCraft” emblems to match originals
2012 Improvements:
• New manifold Risers
• Rebuilt raw water pump
• New Rebuilt Carburetor
2013 Improvements:
• New manifolds
• Rebuilt cylinder heads
• New woodgrain dash panels engraved to match originals
• All new trailer bearings and seals
2014 Improvements:
• Bilge painted white
• New GM marine longblock (399 hours on meter)
• New oil engine cooler and lines
• New alternator
• New raw water hoses
• New exhaust silencers

bgreene 06-19-2015 03:20 PM

Interior pics ? Looks nice, pics help sell boats........

Water Rat 06-20-2015 11:12 AM

Mark, sorry to see you are selling but good luck with it.

I have seen this boat in person and it is gorgeous.

MarkR 06-24-2015 08:10 AM

Thank You
Chris - I noticed Water Rat still covered in the yard. Is she going to splash this year?

Water Rat 06-28-2015 10:40 PM

Sorry for he slow reply. It will, finalizing some work and a reporter. I made the mistake of thinking it would be fun to do some of the work myself and of course that has slowed progress to a crawl. Will post pictures once all is done.

Take care and good luck with selling that beautiful boat.

ScottM 07-20-2015 11:22 AM

Hey Mark,
Sorry to see you selling her. What are you getting to replace it? Hope all is well.


MarkR 07-22-2015 02:49 PM

Hi Scott

I still have the Hobie Power skiff that I've had for 20 years or better. I'm holding on to it.

I've had the Sceptre for 10 years. My kids are now grown, both in College, my wife has litle interest and I don't really get the time in I'd like.

I wish I could preserve the Seacraft in a climate controlled warhouse somewhere till retirement but that's 10 years or better for me.

Not much action on the current price. I't's going in the water Friday so I'll get to run in the new engine some more take some current photos and start adjusting the price to the market. I may even put it together with an '05 F-350 dually and a package and see if that strikes any interst.


bigtahuna 07-27-2015 08:48 AM

Can you post some more pictures, any interior pics?

MarkR 07-27-2015 01:57 PM

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I will take some more current pictures. The boat is now all back together in the water, exept for the cabin door which is getting some more varnish.

MarkR 07-27-2015 02:00 PM

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This is last Friday on the trailer and the pull truck, which by the way is also available. A package deal for the Sceptre and '05 F350 Dually is possible.

Offers welcome

77SceptreOB 07-27-2015 05:29 PM

Wow! So nice and original looking!

That dually should have no problems towing it.

MarkR 08-10-2015 12:52 PM

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It's been a few months. These boats apparently don't have the value they once did.. I'm looking for opinions. Is this more like a $10k boat? Boat/trailer and new power. Seems like alot of boat for the money if that's true.

A 50HP etec outboard is probably $7k, and it only weighs 100 pounds!

TomParis 08-10-2015 08:28 PM

I think you have a nice boat here, and its just a matter of different factors. I saw a nice Seacraft 20 with a Yamaha 150 motor and a new gas tank and enclosed transom etc, many nice options and he only wanted 11,500 and it still took him 3 months to sell it. I thought at that price it would sell in a week. So my advice is be patient, the right buyer will come along it just may take awhile.

Tr91mako231 08-10-2015 11:24 PM

Mark, I have e mailed me, and quite frankly I think you just have to be patient. I think the center consoles do bring a much higher demand. If I could sell my Mako, you and I would be negotiating. There is a 75 scepter here in central jersey asking only 7k, however your boat is in a much higher class with all of your upgrades. Check out his craigslist post in central jersey under Seacraft. "There is an ass for every seat". Be patient.

bigeasy1 08-11-2015 10:50 AM

I just have to say that it just looks so so nice sitting on that trailer,these things are so timeless in their looks.That is one beautiful boat.

I'm trying to figure out why in that picture on the trailer it looks more sleek than my Tsunami.It must be that top on mine that makes it look "fatter".either that,or I just suck at taking pictures.
Anyway If I was in your shoes,I'd keep it on the market and hold out for what you want.I honestly believe that it's not that Seacrafts aren't getting the dollars,it's the entire boat market.
This bunch of nuts in charge of the country have done a great job of making the economy worse and worse,especially when it comes to things like boats.

ssscotty 08-11-2015 09:14 PM

Mark, just had to agree and say that is one beautiful boat! I have to admit when I saw her up for sale I was a little upset being that I am not position to buy her. My opinion, slowly drop price in 500 increments till you get a good bite. Good luck!

Navyaircrew 08-17-2015 06:21 PM

Straight shaft boat? You have any pics of the motor in the engine compartment and the hull showing the drive or shaft setup?

MarkR 10-01-2015 02:40 PM

I found a survey report I had done in 2008 that I forgot I had. The survey was done as an evaluation for insurance purposes and to have a second opinion on the condition. At the time the boat was valued at $17,500 with a replacement value of $65,000.

With weather potentially on the way and only about 16 hours of run time this year it may be time to wrap it up for the season. Last call. $17,000.

MarkR 10-01-2015 02:42 PM

The dually sold.

gofastsandman 10-01-2015 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by MarkR (Post 239208)
I found a survey report I had done in 2008 that I forgot I had. The survey was done as an evaluation for insurance purposes and to have a second opinion on the condition. At the time the boat was valued at $17,500 with a replacement value of $65,000.

With weather potentially on the way and only about 16 hours of run time this year it may be time to wrap it up for the season. Last call. $17,000.

17 is more than fair for that boat. Straight shafts have a very small following.
People just don't get it. Many also have no understanding of the classics.
They want a shiny new Yammi 4 st and don't care about the payment.
You are also limited to mostly cash buyers. The ones who can finance a classic
could just as easily stroke a check.

Never been on boat diesel. Do they have a for sale section? Maybe list her on the shammy site as well. .

You also need up close detailed pics of everything. 20 pics minimum.
Just the twitteratti world we live in these days.
Trademarking Twitteratti here!

heynow2203 10-18-2015 08:30 AM

Could u post some pics of the bilge and engine compartment. Good luck with sale if I didnt have a big boat to maintain I would be in the market, looks like a twenty in my future ��

MarkR 10-21-2015 02:36 PM

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This is the new engine last summer with the deck plate out around it.

MarkR 10-21-2015 02:38 PM

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with the old engine out.

bgreene 11-25-2015 06:56 PM

You put a lot into it........why sell now

77SceptreOB 11-25-2015 10:47 PM

Maybe he is in the Holiday spirit. At his asking price, it's a gift!!

Rare model, in great original condition.

MarkR 11-29-2015 07:32 PM

why sell?
I've really just been maintaining what is now a 40 year old boat. The new power was a necessity, the old engine had about ten years on it.

This spring will be my 12th season and up here you get 5-6 months in the water and 3-4 really good months of boating. I'm getting less that 40 hours a year of use now and putting in about 20 hours of work and it costs me a couple thousand dollars a year to own it.

I hesitate to even consider selling because I'll never replace this much boat for the money but at the same time I'm just not using it enough. My kids are in college now....things change. I mentioned before; if I had cheap indoor storage I'd just tuck it away for a while.

The boat is winterized now but will be back in the water next spring.

Terry England 11-29-2015 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by MarkR (Post 240271)
I've really just been maintaining what is now a 40 year old boat. The new power was a necessity, the old engine had about ten years on it.

This spring will be my 12th season and up here you get 5-6 months in the water and 3-4 really good months of boating. I'm getting less that 40 hours a year of use now and putting in about 20 hours of work and it costs me a couple thousand dollars a year to own it.

I hesitate to even consider selling because I'll never replace this much boat for the money but at the same time I'm just not using it enough. My kids are in college now....things change. I mentioned before; if I had cheap indoor storage I'd just tuck it away for a while.

The boat is winterized now but will be back in the water next spring.

Brother Mark,
You don't have a boat problem, you have a latitude problem. What the heck are you doing north of Virginia?
We'er still running 50 and 60 year old Moesly Seacrafts in Florida, and we run them all year round. I had my 1967 out at Cayo Costa Island this past weekend - low of 67 high of 84, water temprature - 67! A little breezy with wind out of the east at 5, gusting to 25. Just right for Seacraft "Cross-tie walking".
The Architect of the Universe covered you dang ass with the same "skin attached to muscle" like a whale, seal or dolphin, rather than that which is detached like on a dog or monkey. Go grab a handful of you dog's skin, unless you have a monkey!
The problem you have is that your skin is trying to get back to the water and the only water you have up there, much of the year is in a solid state - but it can be either chipped or shoveled and saved until Spring!
Ask Pelican if his move to Holly Hill has been a positive one. He was way down in Cape May and finally "threw the towel in" on a 5 month boating season.
He fretted a little about the Puerto Ricans in Florida stealing everything - now he leaves his front door unlocked and his keys in the truck! (what he don't know is he got to watch out for dem "Crackers")
Kinda' like Dr John said "You got the right boat in the wrong place"

FAS 11-29-2015 09:39 PM


erebus 11-30-2015 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Terry England (Post 240274)
You don't have a boat problem, you have a latitude problem.

Sometimes its not that easy. It's in the blood.
Especially for New Englanders (mostly).

EastEnder 01-22-2016 07:39 AM

Is the boat still for sale? What is the approximate draft?

resiw33 07-04-2016 11:39 AM

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Did you sell it? Just wondering as I have the same boat in a 1979 that I am thinking of letting go. Mine has been all done as well and I am in MA. Kinda of disheartening to see yours didn't go. My kids are off to college as well and the wife and I are looking for something more suited to spending the weekends on. As with you if I had the space to store it I would never get rid of it. Hope you had luck. You cant get a better boat for that money.

MarkR 07-05-2016 03:51 PM

No sale yet

The boat is back in the water looking and running great. Just yesterday I had 3 or 4 people comment / ask the year etc. The previous owner even came over and was admiring the boat and he has been running a custom $100k CW Hood Wasque 26 Hardtop for the last dozen years.

bobr338 07-08-2016 09:47 PM

Saw it in Coho yesterday...Great looking rig. I'd take the ad down!

resiw33 07-15-2016 02:32 PM

Ok thanks. Well enjoy. I am thinking I may just throw mine in the water as well.

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