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kmoose 07-25-2015 10:00 AM

Two boys missing...

gofastsandman 07-25-2015 12:29 PM

link to tht

Fr. Frank 07-25-2015 08:35 PM

Any word?

gofastsandman 07-25-2015 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fr. Frank (Post 237684)
Any word?

Not yet.

NoBones 07-26-2015 12:59 AM

Lil' Kenny and I are running south out of Ponce Inlet in the AM..
He will be in his Secptre and I will be in the "Bones"....

These poor kids need to be found ! :(

Have epirb's on both boats with single side band on NoBones..
Jr. has SAT phone, we just want to help find these two boys alive..:)

They may have very well drifted this far north if they did not get capsized
in the bad weather we had here yesterday.....

Just keep praying !!!!

SnafuFishTeam 07-26-2015 08:20 AM

You guys are awesome! Good luck this morning!

BigLew 07-26-2015 08:24 AM

Thoughts and prayers from the north country.

Keep posting updates, please!

Snookerd 07-26-2015 10:42 AM

Thoughts and prayers are with those boys and their families.....I was one of those kids 30 years ago! Fishing off Jupiter inlet and going to the Bahamas was all we thought about,..... and still do! By the way, that boat is a restored 78 20SF with a 115 Yamaha 4 stroke. I looked at it last year on Craigslist. I think it was from Orlando at the time.

McGillicuddy 07-26-2015 11:51 AM

Just watching updates on weather channel. Joe Namath and maybe kids dad Nick, reaching out to communities and offering $100k to motivate yachters and commercial craft to keep a sharp eye out.

Prayers to all that these salty young men turn up with nothing worse than dehydration and a sunburn.

Good luck Kennys and God bless all in this search effort.

FLexpat 07-26-2015 03:21 PM

Apparently hull found off JAX... No news on boys.
News report updated to say hull found 65 mi E of Daytona - still no news on boys.

gofastsandman 07-26-2015 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by FLexpat (Post 237696)
Apparently hull found off JAX... No news on boys.
News report updated to say hull found 65 mi E of Daytona - still no news on boys.

Now the wonderfully accurate news sources are saying it is the boat found 70 miles off Ponce this AM Lil Kenny called me about. His Sea Tow buddies found her capsized so the boys are still in the water.


Capt Chuck 07-26-2015 05:10 PM

It doesn't look good.
Why a pair of young boys try a Gulf Stream crossing is unthinkable.
I made many crossings in these waters but never in a 19 footer, never alone, never without an epirb, never without a float plan etc etc. This tragedy defies all safety precautions. The Gulf Stream is powerfull. I have had the shit kicked out of me in my 23' SeaCraft more than all toes & fingers counted!
Prayers go out to their families.

NoBones 07-26-2015 05:47 PM

Yes, this is news that none of us want to hear...
We (Lil' Kenny and I ) were ready to start looking this AM
A close FWC friend advised me against it...:mad:

This should not be!!! It hits real close to home as they were in an
18 SeaCraft.. According to USCG 1 life jacket is un accounted for.

Lil' Kenny came up with a great idea, hense I will start a new post and
thread with his plan..

These boys should be in everyones prayers..

gofastsandman 07-26-2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Capt Chuck (Post 237699)
It doesn't look good.
Why a pair of young boys try a Gulf Stream crossing is unthinkable.
I made many crossings in these waters but never in a 19 footer, never alone, never without an epirb, never without a float plan etc etc. This tragedy defies all safety precautions. The Gulf Stream is powerfull. I have had the shit kicked out of me in my 23' SeaCraft more than all toes & fingers counted!
Prayers go out to their families.

The boat is an 18. So 18 10".

Chuck, they did not have permission to go outside the inlet just like I was not supposed to go
out Barnstable Harbor. The stream is nothing to be trifled with, especially on a summer afternoon with our squalls. Had my ass handed to me as well. Had a squall come in around 11 am and we were up off Juno.

I called Black Dog and asked for a radar report.

"You`re not going to do what I think you are"?
Umm, no, not now. My control cables damn near locked up coming in Jupiter to have lunch and wait it out. Almost pitch poled coming in.

Cables snapped on the muffs in the driveway that afternoon...

Got a PLB from vendor Rich at Cape Marine Supply on special shortly after for 200 clams.

Just off the phone with Ken and we are going to start a thread about making it mandatory
for all offshore vessels to be so equipped. He has connections in politics and the junk yard dog mentality to see that no parents have to go through this again.

I don't want Janet to get a call either. We here all know how things can go from hunky dory
to fm with a rock in an instant.


Snookerd 07-26-2015 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by gofastsandman (Post 237701)
The boat is an 18. So 18 10".

Sandy-The boat in their flier photo is a 20SF. Is it not that boat? An 18 doesn't have Carl's 20 sharp, split bow angle.

Snookerd 07-26-2015 06:35 PM

Bad angle though!

gofastsandman 07-26-2015 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Snookerd (Post 237706)
Bad angle though!

Hard to say with the pic no doubt.
The useless media has been nothing if not inaccurate as always these days.

TomParis 07-26-2015 08:20 PM

One of the boys friends posted this thread which includes a picture of the boat. Must have been a bad storm to capsize a Seacraft! I am praying for these boys to be rescued safe!

McGillicuddy 07-27-2015 12:45 AM

So sad to hear. Hopefully a passing boat found them. Big pool 65 miles offshore. This sux to hear. Heart's out to friends and families.

shine 07-27-2015 09:28 AM

So sad. At 14 I had no way to understand the risks I was taking. I cant imagine the grief these families are feeling right now.

flyingfrizzle 07-27-2015 11:29 AM

Prayers going out to the boys, familys, and all envolved

DonV 07-27-2015 06:48 PM

Sandy you are so correct, the media is useless........Was just watching the ABC News and they said the boat was found "67 miles out to sea"! Huh, it's only 55 miles from the Florida coast to the West End, was it 67 miles from where they left the inlet? Was the boat 5 miles off shore? Did the media show a map where the boat was found and where the kids left from?? oh no!!! Let's hope this has a happy ending, however it looks bleak.

NoBones 07-27-2015 07:34 PM

Report from USCG, Three life jackets not in boat, Yeti cooler not
in boat, Yamaha engine cowl not in boat...

They are letting the boat drift ! Word was it would take away manpower
to tow it back to shore...

Keep praying for these two young men !
This will be night four adrift in a big ocean..:(

gofastsandman 07-27-2015 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 237729)
Sandy you are so correct, the media is useless........Was just watching the ABC News and they said the boat was found "67 miles out to sea"! Huh, it's only 55 miles from the Florida coast to the West End, was it 67 miles from where they left the inlet? Was the boat 5 miles off shore? Did the media show a map where the boat was found and where the kids left from?? oh no!!! Let's hope this has a happy ending, however it looks bleak.

When I spoke with Bones and heard they were going out, I got a bit uneasy. I had shared my thought that the current and wind would have them in their neighborhood. I also knew they would run way out and worried about squalls sneaking up on them. The last thing we need is another SAR. I had thought the kids were just out fishing and not making a crossing in the afternoon.

Sadly we have not had media since Cronkite, Brinkley, et all.

77SceptreOB 07-27-2015 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by NoBones (Post 237731)
They are letting the boat drift ! Word was it would take away manpower
to tow it back to shore...

I think they were letting the boat drift so they could gage the drift pattern (direction, speed, etc) and thus the way in which the boys might be drifting...

gofastsandman 07-27-2015 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by NoBones (Post 237731)
Report from USCG, Three life jackets not in boat, Yeti cooler not
in boat, Yamaha engine cowl not in boat...

They are letting the boat drift ! Word was it would take away manpower
to tow it back to shore...

Keep praying for these two young men !
This will be night four adrift in a big ocean..:(

CG said they had it anchored up and now adrift...hmmm.
MOB button works for me no?

Where did the DSC pings come from?
They can gather rain in the cooler. Do they have a hand held?

CG could have called us for a hull rescue.
CG is playing this as close to the vest as I have ever seen.
Almost as if they want things to be unknown.

I understand the blinding light and they threw that poor kid to the wolves
last night. Don't remember his rank, but he was young. Shaking sadly
and badly, but he disclosed little to his credit.

Just heart wrenching.

Another night of prayers.

bigeasy1 07-28-2015 08:04 AM

This is such a sad thing, fourteen year old kids having this horrible event happen to them.

What really pisses me off is when you read the opinions of people that click onto the news blurbs about this tragedy on sites like Yahoo.
Many are so very cruel,and making fun of this event,and others who have no experience with boats or the ocean just can't help themselves from being blowhards and are already casting blame on the parents and the kids themselves.
It's not a time to be blaming anyone for this.It's time to offer kind thoughts,and prayers.
I hope that somehow they were able to remain afloat and that they will be found alive.For sure it doesn't look good,but we never know,there have been capsizing events that lasted longer than this where the boaters were found alive.
Prayers to the family and kids,I hope the news turns out to be good.

ocuyler 07-28-2015 09:42 AM

Even way up here in Western New York, we are very upset over this. I know boys just like this and pray and put out to the universe that they stay tough, hang on and put all their skill to work to survive until they are found. Hang on boys, to ride that SeaCraft another day.

TomParis 07-28-2015 01:26 PM

I am not asking this to place blame or to point fingers, I am truly asking because im curious, do you think on a normal day that a 20 Seacraft is a boat that can make the trip to Bimini safely?

And I am praying each day for these families and these boys, whether they come home or not this family will need it.

Terry England 07-28-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by TomParis (Post 237748)
I am truly asking because im curious, do you think on a normal day that a 20 Seacraft is a boat that can make the trip to Bimini safely?

People have made the Fort Pierce to Bimini run in 13' Whalers, when the conditions are right. Others have broached 40 footers in the same inlet - it's all about the sea conditions with some boat handling skills mixed in. Some days a Gheenoe is too big and some days an aircraft carrier ain't big enough!

TomParis 07-28-2015 03:53 PM

that makes sense, thanks for your response and sorry for hijacking this thread. Praying for the families.

Fr. Frank 07-28-2015 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Terry England (Post 237750)
People have made the Fort Pierce to Bimini run in 13' Whalers, when the conditions are right. Others have broached 40 footers in the same inlet - it's all about the sea conditions with some boat handling skills mixed in. Some days a Gheenoe is too big and some days an aircraft carrier ain't big enough!

Having made the trip from Lake Worth to West End in a 13' Whaler several times, I know it can be done. Like denny, I've also made the trip in a 20' Seacraft many times. But I never made the trip in a small boat except in the company of other boats, and never without filing a float plan after carefully checking the weather.

I confess I don't understand the desire to not have private boaters looking. When I inquired if Civil Air Patrol was looking, I was told we were, but only up to a few miles offshore. (On the other hand, I was informed on the QT that at least two aircrew teams composed of CAP-trained personnel are looking further offshore [up to 50 miles] in a personal aircraft so as to avoid the governmental restrictions)

Remember that the Civil Air Patrol, which is the US Air Force Auxiliary, performs over 80% of all airborne SAR operations nationwide. But CAP rarely searches offshore, and is limited to searching only within power-off gliding distance of shore by rule, except in special circumstances, when requested by the USCG.

One statement I heard about Homeland Security limiting private searchers because they worried bad guys might use the confusion to sneak in struck me as profoundly callous if true.

gofastsandman 07-28-2015 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by TomParis (Post 237751)
that makes sense, thanks for your response and sorry for hijacking this thread. Praying for the families.

Way back when I was a pier rat down in Boynton, I used to see jon boats going out an inlet classified as unnavigable by the USCG. They would ride the trough out and come back 6 hours later.

A few years back a 42 ft. dive boat rolled goin` outta Boynton. This man was a dive master, had a 100 ton offshore ticket and ran charters for over 10 years there. On a glassy morning
you can easily take a 13 whaler to Bimini or West End.

If you have not been humbled by mother ocean, chances are you don't have much wheel time.

Last summah, we were commin` in LWI just ahead of a noon squall. As we passed Sailfish
Marina, a disabled Mako asked for a tow, I stopped and I asked where they wanted to go.

They said Currie park. I said can you hear my graphite rod humming? They said yes. I said lets go to Phil Foster and now. They declined. I said please come with us. They declined.

Yet another night.
I have many thoughts and so few words.

Many prayers,

Calibogue 07-29-2015 07:11 AM

This whole ordeal is gut-wrenching and I cannot stop thinking of these boys. A fine friend of mine grew up in Titusville/Rockledge and every time I see the pic of that boy holding up the cobia, I see my buddy Dan at that age!
Independent and adventurous are just a couple of words that come to mind....exactly the way I was at that age and not to bound by an extended list of rules or reservations!
Like so many others growing up, I hunted, I fished, I camped, I explored and rarely had a float plan and often did things in the outdoors without an adult knowing where I was or exactly when I would be home.
My 7 yo asked me about it yesterday and I explained to her in detail what has happened and in all likelyhood what there fate is at this point. She listened, I got choked up thinking about it and it brings tears to my eyes as a parent right now thinking of how alone, lonely and scared those boys are/were.
I had my first boat on the May River when I was 10 yo and fished all over the damn place. Offshore wasn't my thing back then but I had buddies who did venture to the ledge with a compass, loran, and jerry jugs in the back of a 17 foot boat!
Although the parents said these boys weren't allowed to venture out of the inlet, that is what boys like myself did at that age, you bent the rules a little bit to be adventurous and it developed upon your self confidence as an outdoorsman.
I will teach my children safety and give them boundaries but I will never crush their adventurous spirit!
God speed boys!

gofastsandman 07-29-2015 06:41 PM

This is video of a boat coming in on Friday around 2 pm.
Frequency looks to be shorter than 2 seconds.
This is a 30 ft boat.
These squalls serve as a stark reminder to us all. I bought a plb from Rich at Cape Marine Supply a few years ago.
Things happen fast out there.

The search continues. Fingers crossed. Hoping for a miracle.

castalot 08-04-2015 12:58 PM

Any updates

NoBones 08-04-2015 01:09 PM


Private salvage company went to retrieve the boys boat that the CG found off Daytona week ago Sunday..

It was not there ??
Thought they would have placed a locater on it..:confused:

Daytona News Journal

castalot 08-04-2015 02:44 PM

The beacon would have been to easy
You mean it wasn't where the left it in the current
But still nothing on the boys?

DonV 08-04-2015 04:25 PM


This is one off those "you must be kidding me" things!!! Let's hope no one runs into it at night....if it's still floating......

gofastsandman 08-04-2015 06:55 PM

Lil Kenny said his sea tow buddies found the boat not CG. Said CG wanted to anchor it up.
Some things here just don't jibe.

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