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NoBones 10-03-2016 09:50 PM

Not Good !
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 13419

bumpdraft 10-03-2016 10:33 PM

I put up about two thirds of my shutters a month or so ago when we went away for a while. Something told me to leave them up a little longer after we got home. At least I don't have much to do here. May be helping a friend do about 40 houses.
Thinking about Haiti tonight. Haiti clinic just built a new building there.

DonV 10-03-2016 11:03 PM

Yikes Ken, looks like a bit of a western movement towards Area 442, we having a hurricane party??

DonV 10-04-2016 07:47 AM

To all our friends in Florida, especially the east coast this week, here's a link to the MBG forum. This "BubbaB" guy works for the NWS and updates these maps all day. Ya don't need the local news talking heads for up to date information.

uncleboo 10-04-2016 08:00 AM

Hey NoBones, how bout you guys line up and start blowing real hard to the east!

Terry England 10-04-2016 09:59 AM

That looks like it might become a big ornery deal. Not sure if the mountains on the east end of Cuba will knock it down much.
Make like a Matador, and when you see where it's going "step out of the way". Head east and south or it's liable to chase you up to the east coast to New Jersey. They always go north. Grab the important stuff and haul ass early, or you'll get stuck in a traffic jamb and ride the storm out on the highway.
Remember, It's all just "stuff" you are worried about and you can get more "stuff". When they put you in the "Pine Box", you ain't takin much of that shit with you anyhow. Don't be like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk, when he was leaving Bernadette Peters!!!

Snookerd 10-04-2016 10:11 AM

It better not keep turning west!

gofastsandman 10-04-2016 07:05 PM

I`m putting` N numbers on the side of the house.
Then I`m callin` PBIA and filing a flight plan.
Local touch n go landings.

That damn low pressure in the gulf split in 2 this morning...

NoBones 10-04-2016 11:30 PM

O' chit !!
1 Attachment(s)
We are in deep doo,doo....:(

Attachment 13429

Going into full survival mode tomorrow !!

500 lbs propane, (Generac Generator) check
Bottled water, Negative (Live off well)
Flash lights, check
Loaded AR, 12 gauge, 40 cal, 9 mm, 308.... yes yes and yes ..
Tractor fueled and ready, Old 3/4 ton 4 X 4 Chevy ready..
No self respecting looter would even think about venturing close to Area 442..

Biggest fear, trees and road damage from non stop rain.

Price you pay for living in isolation !

More later, hopefully .....

DonV 10-04-2016 11:43 PM

Yeah Ken, when your standing up to your bottom lip in deep doo doo....don't make a wave!! IF...there is any good news you are not in the 12:00 to 3:00 position of the storm!! If this thing was coming up the west coast like it is projected to go up your coast we would be in way more than deep poop with tide surge!!!!!! Good luck my friend!!!!

Capt Chuck 10-05-2016 06:07 AM

iI will hit me first! I'll give you the Doo-Doo report :mad:

Old'sCool 10-05-2016 06:26 AM

We're in the bullseye in a couple of days.

bumpdraft 10-05-2016 06:59 AM

Its looking more and more like its coming in at the angle of Francis and Jeanne, only with more potential. I don't know.

Cutiger 10-05-2016 07:00 AM

This morning NOAA showing it drifting a little in the offshore direction after it passes Jacksonville.

Fiance will likely get called into the hospital to work the emergency team. I'll be riding it out here. Don't have enough gas in the truck to go sit in traffic anyways. Charleston people took the governors statements yesterday as "must go into full panic mode hysterics ASAP." Pretty sure all the gas stations on James Island have been bought out. I may call a couple of the marinas and see if they'll let me fill the truck there sometime between now and Friday morning.

DonV 10-05-2016 07:58 AM

Jeeez......the latest info is this thing might loop back down to south Florida. Check out the spaghetti lines on the fourth map on the page below. It's on drugs......

Might have to scroll to the top of the page.

Ed 10-05-2016 11:36 AM

Capt Chuck - jump on a plane and head north. Plenty of room up here in Maine. Besides, Baby Matthew needs a play mate and since you are retired, you two could have a lot of fun together :)

Seriously, to all of my southern friends - please be safe.

TomParis 10-05-2016 06:10 PM

Praying for all you guys that the storm damage will be minimal and no loss of life.

Terry England 10-05-2016 07:40 PM

Mad Matt
Carla, Jorge, Denny, Sandy, Ricky, Steve, Ronny, Ken, Jon, Jim and others. We have room 'on the "Rock" if any CSC brothers on the "right coast" need a place to ride it out here on the "left coast". Rock Shrimp, Lobsters, Mangrove Snappers, Hogfish and Groupers, and fresh pork in the freezer. Roll on and let me know what to thaw out.

cdavisdb 10-05-2016 07:51 PM

Any overflow is welcome at the Davis residence. I got some of Terry's grouper still in the freezer and even room for a couple of Seacrafts. 2707 Greendale Drive, Sarasota.

Come on guys, a Cat 4 coming right over you is not to be screwed with. The roads are still clear and that won't be true tomorrow.

gofastsandman 10-05-2016 08:14 PM

Franny and Jean Jeannie came right over us.
Low wind speed compared to this.

Just back from harbor freight with a hammer drill.
Making short work of the pre cast headers now.

One more piece of lexan to go and we are as ready as we can be.
Andy wants us to work tomorrow...
Told him he may want to rethink that...

Thanks all!!!

bumpdraft 10-05-2016 08:34 PM

Neighbors left Vero today at about 3P. At 5p they said they were able to see Yee haw jct.(about 30 mile trip), but you guys are awesome anyway.

Terry England 10-05-2016 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by bumpdraft (Post 247076)
Neighbors left Vero today at about 3P. At 5p they said they were able to see Yee haw jct.(about 30 mile trip), but you guys are awesome anyway.

Ronny, You know the way to the GYC and the hook-ups. Latch up the 5 wheel and ease on, Trooper. There ain't no sense in sitting in your bathroom listening to your neighbor's cement tile roof take out your windows. Life should be about calm seas, fair winds and friendly ports. The freezer in Weeki is well stocked too because we almost "got even" with Kmoose for "raiding" the crane at Bayport last Saturday - the stinker!
Sit and stay a spell - on the 15th not only does Stone Crab season open but Lazy Boy and the Rockers will be at the Crab Shack in Port Richey - tell Cindi to bring her danc'in shoes!

Snookerd 10-05-2016 09:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm Heading to CT. This week.... Looks like the Govt folks are headed to SC ahead of the storm:).

bumpdraft 10-05-2016 09:10 PM

Does sound tempting, I made reservations at Lake Kissimmee today and they got canceled.
If FEMA is heading north, they are headed in wrong direction. This storm may be headed back to South Florida next week.

pelican 10-05-2016 09:58 PM

pulled my ship this afternoon...

dunlawton ramp had the dock,disconnected from the ramps - ramp had barracades on it

house is stocked up - gas,generator - supplies

and yes,we've got ammo

lucy - glock 17
smitty - 1911
12g pump 00 buckshot

DonV 10-05-2016 10:14 PM

Sandy, Lexan or no Lexan, you might want to stay inside when the wind starts getting crazy!!! I mean it will pick up your scrawny rear end and send you heading my way at a high rate of speed!!! The visual of GFS and his "welly" under arm as a 120 mph projectile is not inviting!!! guys stay safe and good luck!!!!!!!

NoBones 10-06-2016 12:57 AM

Area 442 is going to shelter 9 family members...:cool:
Not to mention 7 cats and 4 dogs..

The party will start around 5 PM on Thursday...

When Patti and I built this house in 2004 Hurricane Wilma knocked
the dog chit out of us !! Not to be out done by mother nature, we
installed everything to get us through every natural disaster..;)

Soo, stay tuned as I will post as long as I'm able to tomorrow night.

This storm will be the worst in my 63 years of being a Floridian..
Pray for all of us as this storm wreaks its havoc...

Our home is 5 miles west of the Intracoastal waterway and 3/4 miles east
of I-95 in Oak Hill, FL.

Stay Safe !!

CaptLloyd 10-06-2016 05:47 AM

Evacuating from the barrier island this morning. Staying with a good friend in Sanford. I'm taking the 20SF to the mainland so if the causeways are closed for too long after the storm, I can still make it back to my house.

Everyone be safe out there.


gofastsandman 10-06-2016 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 247081)
Sandy, Lexan or no Lexan, you might want to stay inside when the wind starts getting crazy!!! I mean it will pick up your scrawny rear end and send you heading my way at a high rate of speed!!! The visual of GFS and his "welly" under arm as a 120 mph projectile is not inviting!!! guys stay safe and good luck!!!!!!!

We have a giant Ficus tree just outside the kitchen on the SW side of the house...

This is not looking good. We have lots of trees.

Put my ruby slippers into cast concrete for safe keeping.

uncleboo 10-06-2016 07:09 AM

Praying for all in it's path! Be safe!

Capt Chuck 10-06-2016 11:01 AM

Just got upgraded to a Cat 4. 140mph. 11 am:mad:

wattaway2 10-06-2016 12:19 PM

Guys as a fellow Floridian best wishes to all of us I for one am not looking forward to the aftermath of this one ! Wilma was 3yrs of overtime for me ---getting to old for that shit like my weekends off!

Capt Terry 10-06-2016 12:41 PM

To my fellow SeaCrafters on the SE coast, the ones I've known a long time; others more recently; and to those I have not had the pleasure yet, best wishes through Matthew. You all, my daughters family in Stuart, other friends, and the folks in the path are in our prayers and will continue to be.
A bailout from Chuck Town will be joining us tomorrow night.

bumpdraft 10-06-2016 01:17 PM

Well, was going to stay put, I've never run from a storm before, but this is looking more and more like another Andrew(didn't have to get away from that) so,we chickened out at the last minute. Had to leave the 23 behind, hope she's alright.

gofastsandman 10-06-2016 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by bumpdraft (Post 247098)
Well, was going to stay put, I've never run from a storm before, but this is looking more and more like another Andrew(didn't have to get away from that) so,we chickened out at the last minute. Had to leave the 23 behind, hope she's alright.

You guys farther north have every right to haul ass.
We will pray for the 23

wattaway2 10-06-2016 03:50 PM

We all pray the boats come thru with out any damage but being fiberglass they can be repaired not so easy to repair the human body. Be safe and play again another day

ssscotty 10-06-2016 04:37 PM

everyone stay safe, things are about to get crazy.

DonV 10-06-2016 05:16 PM

I have a little "pink pantie drop" shine left over from the scallop gathering, I wish I could send it NoBones' way!!!! He might need it tonight and tomorrow! :) Unfortunately looks like he's at "ground zero".

Be careful and take care all you right coast guys!!

Old'sCool 10-06-2016 05:29 PM

Best of luck to everyone in Matthew's path. I'm in Charleston, SC, West Ashley and close enough to the Ashley River to hear The Citadel play Reveille in the mornings. Our old story is the Ashley, Cooper, and Wando rivers join in Charleston Harbor to create the Atlantic Ocean.....Below is my front porch view. We'll see how these 100+ year old oaks do.

Terry England 10-06-2016 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Old'sCool (Post 247105)
Best of luck to everyone in Matthew's path. I'm in Charleston, SC,.....Below is my front porch view. We'll see how these 100+ year old oaks do.

Cam, Your job ain't to worry about that dang old oak tree. It'll either hold up to the test or it wouldn't and you sitting in your bathroom with your family while the wind is blowing 100 miles an hour outside with chit flying everywhere ain't gonna help it any. Just "ease on" to high ground before the roads get packed and people start acting stupid and panic. Remember Hugo!

If it comes your way, take a side trip southeast to Warner-Robbins AFB. They have an AC130 with twin Bofers and a 105 MM sticking out the side of it along with a Super Connie early AWAC and all kinds of cool stuff. You'd like it there.

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