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kevmen 01-02-2017 10:21 AM

New member looking for input on my 78 inboard
I have been fishing SeaCrafts for 25 years. My Brother has an 84 Sceptre and I have a 78 inboard. I am at a cross roads. My boat needs to be re powered. I am in the Foodservice business on Cape Cod so my Summers are crazy busy with limited time to use the boat. Do I spend the money to re-power and keep the boat or do I sell as is and walk away. If I re-power what do I re-power with? The boat has been restored by previous owner - new transon, gas tanks, stringers etc. and is in good shape - all original teal still on boat including swim platform.

Spruill242 01-02-2017 10:27 AM

What's in the boat now?
What do you do with the boat?
Shop doing the work or DIY?
What do you have in mind for budget?
What are your expectations of the finished product?

kevmen 01-02-2017 10:41 AM

Boat currently has a Jasper 4bolt main block with Mercruiser parts attached - have put $10k in her over last 10-12 years including pulling to fix an oil leak 2 years ago
Used mainly for Fishing - Bass, Tuna, Cod, Sea Bass
Shop doing the work
Budget is not an issue - if I am going to do it, I will do it right - figuring $15-$20K
To make it worth it - the engine has to last min 15 years - by then I will get to use it more often

caper 01-02-2017 11:04 AM

I would keep it - nice inboards are hard to find. On the other hand in 10 to 15 years it will most likely need a new tank and potentially deck repair. Tough choice. Worst thing for a boat is not using it.

cdavisdb 01-02-2017 12:02 PM

Keep it, you know the boat. Anything else you buy wiil have new and unknown problems that will bite you at the worst posible times. Plus, there isn't anything else in its size range that works as well for what you do.

kevmen 01-02-2017 12:19 PM

Thanks for the input - it is why I signed up for this site - bigger question - if i decide to repower - what do I repower with and how much should I expect to spend to do it right.

gofastsandman 01-02-2017 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by cdavisdb (Post 248851)
Keep it, you know the boat. Anything else you buy wiil have new and unknown problems that will bite you at the worst posible times. Plus, there isn't anything else in its size range that works as well for what you do.


A big block wont give you much more performance wise.

Pay special attention to the oil pan.
Coal tar epoxy or a similar coating.

Sounds long term so I would go with a drop in and start fresh.

cdavisdb 01-02-2017 09:21 PM

there are some very interesting blocks slightly bigger than a 5.7, about the same weight, 6.2 for example. Check out their fuel economy for your application. Big blocks(454ci) were notorious for bad fuel economy, at least that used to be true, fuel injection might have changed that.

I'm planning to go over to Miami to the boat show and get some more detail on those egines. I'll pass on what I find out.

FLexpat 01-02-2017 10:11 PM

My first choice would be a Yanmar diesel but that might push the window on cost.
My second choice would be an Indmar, Volvo or Marine Power 6.0L with FWC; not for the 370-380HP at WOT but for the low end torque and great efficiency at cruise. That is the Gen IV small block used in lots of trucks and tow boats. The IB won't really be able to use the high end power because the pocket will keep it from getting to high speed but the engine will really be loafing at cruise and it wouldn't surprise me to see over 4mpg at cruise. The Gen V marine 6.2 just came out from GM but it is 420HP and pretty pricey for a gas motor.

Merc has a 6.2L that I heard is nice now that it just had some mods implemented (early 320HP ones had issues w cooling); it now has a 300 and a 350HP model but it is not a GM block and I'm not sure about the part prices.

gofastsandman 01-02-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by FLexpat (Post 248867)
My first choice would be a Yanmar diesel but that might push the window on cost.
My second choice would be an Indmar, Volvo or Marine Power 6.0L with FWC; not for the 370-380HP at WOT but for the low end torque and great efficiency at cruise. That is the Gen IV small block used in lots of trucks and tow boats. The IB won't really be able to use the high end power because the pocket will keep it from getting to high speed but the engine will really be loafing at cruise and it wouldn't surprise me to see over 4mpg at cruise. The Gen V marine 6.2 just came out from GM but it is 420HP and pretty pricey for a gas motor.

Merc has a 6.2L that I heard is nice now that it just had some mods implemented (early 320HP ones had issues w cooling); it now has a 300 and a 350HP model but it is not a GM block and I'm not sure about the part prices.

Sage advice.

kevmen 01-03-2017 09:32 AM

Appreciate all the input. I have some homework to do. Most of the Boat Yards around me are merc dealers - will have to do some more research. Please keep comments coming.

DonV 01-03-2017 05:16 PM

When folks like you get in this situation I always think it's good to go to a boat show and look at new boats comparable to the SeaCraft, actually not too many to choose from, and after you get over sticker shock the cost of a new re-power will look better and better!!! Good luck!

fat2nawilly 01-04-2017 07:42 PM

how much would you be asking for it if you do sell it? curios because my brothers looking for one.

kevmen 01-06-2017 08:36 AM

PM sent.

kevmen 01-23-2018 04:39 PM

Wanted to give an update - after much consideration she is going in for re-power and some upgrades next week. Putting in a Crusader - the mechanic I am using works on a lot of SeaCrafts and knows them well, he prefers the Crusader and since he is going to be my mechanic I felt I should go with what he likes working on. Can’t wait to see how she runs!

Fr. Frank 01-23-2018 06:31 PM

Did you go with one of the 5.7L or the 6.0?

kevmen 01-24-2018 09:17 AM

The 5.7 -

dginge 01-24-2018 10:47 AM

How many hours did your old engine have?

kevmen 01-25-2018 08:28 AM

650 hours - the motor was rebuilt 16 years ago just before I purchased it - 2 years ago I had a mechanical issue that a boat yard down here misdiagnosed - it was never right after that and I ended up with fuel pouring into the engine and lost some compression in a cylinder - up until then it ran fine

dginge 01-25-2018 10:25 AM

Wow. That’s low hours. Sounds like a bad card dealt. Thanks for sharing


Originally Posted by kevmen (Post 255869)
650 hours - the motor was rebuilt 16 years ago just before I purchased it - 2 years ago I had a mechanical issue that a boat yard down here misdiagnosed - it was never right after that and I ended up with fuel pouring into the engine and lost some compression in a cylinder - up until then it ran fine

kevmen 02-02-2018 05:45 PM

Dropped boat off at shop this week. Since the deck will be open I asked him to:
-Replace fuel lines - tanks were replaced already with aluminum
-Check/replace steering lines
-Front step up deck is soft so new deck going in up front - everything else is solid
-replace bilge pumps
- re-wired when I bought the boat
Am I missing anything? Stringers were re-done already - will check them

deepsushi 02-06-2018 04:23 PM

Here are some other possible items to check replace since you have the engine out and deck off and have easy access. Trying to replace these items with the motor and deck in place are probably impossible due to the cramped bilge of the inboard

Check / replace the shaft log hose
repack shaft / rudder
service / grease seacock
replace raw water hose
check / replace cutless bearing

kevmen 02-06-2018 06:31 PM

Will add it to the list! Thanks!

kevmen 02-15-2018 11:20 AM

Boat is in the shop - I will post a new thread on repairs/mods to give updates.

kevmen 02-23-2018 03:25 PM

Deep sushi - thanks for the input - mechanic had some of those on his list and agreed that everything you mentioned should be done/checked. This is why I joined this forum.

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