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riptide 04-23-2018 09:06 PM

Spring launch
2 Attachment(s)
Finally got the Sceptre in her slip ready for some spring bass after a winter that wouldn't go away

Rybones 04-24-2018 07:52 AM

Wow that thing is pretty, it looks great! Unfortunately we don't get stripers down here in Florida so see if you can find a spring cow for us down in the land of endless summer and post some pics. (SpellCorrect wants me to put another "p" in "stripers", but there are plenty of those down here.)

riptide 04-24-2018 04:14 PM

Thanks for the compliments.Unfortunately the weather has turned to crap again. I know the Seacraft can take it but not me

SailorChlud 04-24-2018 08:01 PM

Looking good. I hear ya on the weather. Raritan Bay was nice on Sunday (I couldn't go out) and now snotty again. Where are you located?

riptide 04-25-2018 12:06 PM

I'm on Sandyhook bay.

SailorChlud 04-25-2018 05:45 PM

Me too, a lot of the time. We also trailer down to Ocean Gate in Toms River too. Maybe we can do a meetup at Spermaceti Cove one day this summer....

77SceptreOB 04-25-2018 06:03 PM

Nice looking Sceptre there.

Vezo, Part II 04-26-2018 10:15 AM

Great looking Sceptre! Small world, I spent 25 years growing up in Monmouth County (Middletown), and spent every summer until I was 16 in Ocean Gate. 13 Whaler moored to a quarter keg! Life was good!

Best of luck with the new ride and chasing stripers!

Vezo, Part II

riptide 04-26-2018 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by SailorChlud (Post 257612)
Me too, a lot of the time. We also trailer down to Ocean Gate in Toms River too. Maybe we can do a meetup at Spermaceti Cove one day this summer....

That would be great.
Maybe we could get a Seacraft gathering at the island this summer. I've seen guite a few classics around the area lately, don't know if they are members here. Headed out tonight for some cows hopefully I'll have some pics to post.

riptide 04-27-2018 08:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Got out tonight 12 bass all on stretch 25s

SailorChlud 04-28-2018 09:28 AM


Vezo, Part II 04-28-2018 11:07 AM

Well if that doesn’t make it all worth it!!! Back in the eighties, we used 4/0’s and wire line, if I remember correctly, to get the plugs down deep enough (below the Blues?). Have those tactics changed today with braid? Beautiful fish!

Vezo, Part II

riptide 04-28-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vezo, Part II (Post 257669)
Well if that doesn’t make it all worth it!!! Back in the eighties, we used 4/0’s and wire line, if I remember correctly, to get the plugs down deep enough (below the Blues?). Have those tactics changed today with braid? Beautiful fish
Vezo, Part II

We tried the wire/ spoons and Mo Jo's but for some reason they liked the stretch 25s last night.Sometimes you have to try different tactics and stick to what's working

gofastsandman 04-28-2018 05:23 PM

what color/ pattern

Vezo, Part II 04-28-2018 06:01 PM

There are 21 DeadEye Dicks for sale on THT, someone in south Jersey for $100. Used to do well with those in the fall surf fishing.


gofastsandman 04-28-2018 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Vezo, Part II (Post 257672)
There are 21 DeadEye Dicks for sale on THT, someone in south Jersey for $100. Used to do well with those in the fall surf fishing.


Mann stretch are different and certainly not a hun a pop.

Vezo, Part II 04-29-2018 01:12 PM

I’m aware of the difference, but I’ve had good luck with them in Jersey and the Cape. How are you doing bro?


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