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Bigsean 11-01-2020 01:15 PM

Northeast guys!
When winterizing do you keep you fuel tank full with stabilizer in it..

77SceptreOB 11-01-2020 02:12 PM

In South Carolina, that is exactly how I do it when I put up my boat for the winter (late Nov - mid March)

PeterM 11-01-2020 05:09 PM

Yes. Full with stabilizer

Stephen 11-02-2020 06:00 PM

We fuel till full, fish till empty, repeat.............
That wasn't funny....Sorry I couldn't resist !! lol

NoBones 11-02-2020 07:11 PM

Hopefully for all of us that $2 gallon gas is still there in the spring !! ;)

dirtwheelsfl 11-02-2020 07:34 PM

What is that W word??

lelandtampa 11-02-2020 08:31 PM

I heard about the "w"word once at deer camp in the upper peninsula. It's when god turns the outdoors into a freezer for half the year to punish people.

uncleboo 11-03-2020 08:50 AM

We don't fish in shorts over the winter, but, not much of the "w" word here either!

SailorChlud 11-09-2020 12:45 PM

As an alternative - I run the last of the stabilized fuel through the outboard, then drain the remaining fuel in the tank and use it in my car. In the spring, fill up with fresh and then go.

Ed 11-09-2020 08:31 PM

Since they started distributing ethanol in the mid 2000s, I have never filled up the tank at the end of the season.

Rather, I try and run it down as low as I can get it but before I do so, I run stabilizer through the system usually for the entire month of September. I would much rather start off with a fresh batch of fuel in the spring than have a significant amount of stale fuel to deal with.

Obviously everyone has their opinions, but this has worked for me (and many of my customers) over the last 15 years.

Bigshrimpin 11-10-2020 12:08 AM

I rest easier knowing I have 110 gallons of fuel (onsite) for my generator(s) during these winter power outages :) In the last 5 years we've had a few that lasted 2 - 3 days. Some areas were almost a week without power.

bigeasy1 11-10-2020 09:33 AM

I make our last trip on the water in late August'and fill up the tank at that time. dependent on the fishing I may make several fill ups. What ever is left in the tank on September is what i leave in it for the winter.I dont top it off.
I buy all my fuel at the town marina and it's mid grade (89 octane) and is ethanol free.and treated with Valve-Tech. marine additive. I've never had any problems.
I have it winterized and shrink wrapped in September. and it sits there untill spring(late April to mid May) when we start the year over again.10 years now and no fuel issues.
not sure if this serves any purpose but I run 2 fuel -& water filters/ seperaters and change them mid year.
Im not a gambling man but I doubt that future prices for gasoline will remain as low as they are now.

Old'sCool 11-10-2020 06:13 PM

Given the latest, I'm filling up with nonE at $3 something/gal and StaBil

77SceptreOB 11-10-2020 08:58 PM

Good call!

NoBones 11-11-2020 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Old'sCool (Post 269892)
Given the latest, I'm filling up with nonE at $3 something/gal and StaBil

Safe bet it could be $5.00 gallon come spring !!
Other option would be solar and wind fuel...:rolleyes:

flyingfrizzle 11-12-2020 08:00 AM

My dually has a 100 gallon pony tank, it will be filled as well before the increase....The idea of buying bio diesel at twice the price per gallon is not pleasing

caper 11-14-2020 08:33 PM

Add stabilizer with last tank in late September - pull the boat in November with maybe 10 gallons left - pump remaining gas in to my Jeep. Easier on the trailer and I don't want old fuel in the tank all winter.

FishStretcher 12-14-2020 08:44 PM

I drain it dry every year, except last year. It's a pain to do, but it works for me. I generally use it in the snowblower.

The engine fuel system was dry all winter, but the tank was full. I got a half a gallon of water out of it when I pumped it this spring.

One year I got a gallon of water from an Irving gas station for the first day of vacation. That's no fun at the boat ramp.

bgreene 12-19-2020 05:01 PM

Seems to work either way......longer time being stored, I figure favors draining .
Same here - I run stabil all year round, so run low and drain most fuel, then refill in spring .

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