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John R 11-05-2002 09:58 PM

23 Inboard pics below the waterline - from Miles Offshore

Is that keel/shaft guard an add-on?

[ November 05, 2002, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: John R ]

Miles Offshore 11-06-2002 08:01 AM

Re: 23 Inboard pics below the waterline - from Miles Offshore
Hey John, thanx for putting them up. I really dont know about the keel "foot" as I call it. Since my boat was originally a police boat (I believe all 3 seacraft police boats here have them)there were some other things that I noticed were standard equipment on factory boats that my boat did not have. [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img] . Anyways I believe the foot is aftermarket but Im not certain.Some seacraft local experts had seen them before on our inboard boats.100% stainless and a pain to keep barnacles off of. They tell me that Im losing 3-5 knots by leaving it on, but Im not speed crazy anyways. In the 7 years I have had the boat?, I have not wrapped anything yet(knock on wood), but I have been thru numerous fields of crab pots, conch pots, gill nets etc.I feel like just a little deflection on a pot line , board etc. saves me tail more than once.Anyways check out the pictures, Im not sure how bad the seagrowth is in Florida or south of here, but the pic with all the"stuff" haning from my running gear was only from 3 or 4 monthes of sitting in the water in late summer with 85 degree water temps. Although I am not able to get out and run the boat daily, I do run her weekly (weekend warrior). Do any of you other inboard guys have the foot???? Or any tips on keeping the barny's off the gear. Last year I took a 2 part epoxy and applied it to the rudder,shaft and foot and after it got tacky went over it with bottom paint, but it didnt last long. Would love to hear comments suggestions etc. One more thing about the foot. The forward edge does not fair in to the hull where it is bolted to the boat. Since I am hauling the boat for an overhaul, I am going to try and correct this problem either by grinding down the leading edge off the stainless(3/8 to 1/2")or trying to fair in some glass forward of the edge to the boat(confusing or not?)Thanx again John- BTW great website you have over there!!! Craig

omaier 11-07-2002 07:41 AM

Re: 23 Inboard pics below the waterline - from Miles Offshore
My inboard doesn't have the "foot" ... although sometimes i wish i did!!

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