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JohnB 12-21-2002 09:07 PM

Sailfish on a SeaCraft
Here is a picture of a Sailfish
Headed out of Port Canaveral, FL Tues with the curtains up and the throttles down.
Drifted bait under a balloon that got inhaled by a sailfish.
About 45 min later, pulled him in the boat, shot pictures, and released.
That fish was caught on a med penn spinner (don't remember the exact model) with 20#
powerpro, and 30# mono leader. What you call a real fair fight
Sailfish along the side of the boat
Sailfish posing for pictures

Scott 12-21-2002 09:42 PM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
WELL DONE !!!!!!

Finster 12-21-2002 09:59 PM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft

Jon G 12-22-2002 12:22 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
Nice fish! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Florida sure looks good from here. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

Serenity 12-22-2002 04:54 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
Great pics!!! Haven't seen a sail in a long time.

Miles Offshore 12-22-2002 08:45 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
Awesome pictures there John !!! Great Job- Thanx-
PS- Please send warm weather up the coast!!!

ScottM 12-22-2002 10:01 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
John, very nice fish, and on 20# definitely a fair fight. It sure is hard looking at pictures like that when it's 38 and cloudy, knowing there's another 4 months before the boat is in again. My only salvation is knowing I'll be in Sanibel April 18-26. Any of you FL guys have charter suggestions for the Sanibel/Fort Myers area?

boatless 12-23-2002 08:02 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
scott, check the general fishing forum is a good place to start, also the southwest florida forum on the message boards will show what is happening. wouldn't count on catching a sailfish, but a nice red or snook should make ya happy. bring along your sunscreen.

ScottM 12-23-2002 12:47 PM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
Ron, thanks for the info. I've been to Sanibel 2 times already and did some fishing for reds and snook, so I'm not looking for (or expecting) any sails, although that would be nice. Two years ago I chartered a guy down there but wasn't too thrilled with him. I'd like to get over to the Atlantic side one of these days and land one of them sailfish.

JohnB 12-24-2002 09:05 AM

Re: Sailfish on a SeaCraft
If any of you guys are down south this winter and want to fish, let me know. I can't garrantee a Sailfish, but there are quite a few opportunities for some good fishing in the winter. I usuall fish out of Port Canaveral, Sebastian Inlet, and Clearwater from time to time.

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