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billythekid 04-22-2008 04:27 PM

poling platform on a 20sf?
as some of you know I have been restoring a 20 sf. I have a poling platform that I got my hands on for pratically nothing. my question is how many 20sf have you seen with poling platforms on them? I am just wondering if the boat could be to heavy to try to push around or not.

76Red18 04-22-2008 04:45 PM

Re: poling platform on a 20sf?
Never seen one with a platform but my 18' poles quite easily as long as there is NO wind. It's actually a very quiet hull.

zach 04-23-2008 07:59 PM

Re: poling platform on a 20sf?
Please don't do that, your boat is going to be so pretty without one....

Just my two cents.

About the only use I can think of for it would be to cast from. You might be able to pole for a hundred yards or so, but with any wind not shooting straight down your bow, it'd be a beast to keep straight.

joey 04-23-2008 08:29 PM

Re: poling platform on a 20sf?
I wouldn't think of a 20 as a poling skiff? :o

NoBones 04-23-2008 10:08 PM

Re: poling platform on a 20sf?

I wouldn't think of a 20 as a poling skiff? :o


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