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Yamtt125 06-29-2008 11:59 AM

Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplate
Does anybody know if I will have any problems mounting either a Seastar unit, or the teleflex nfb steering system (I haven't decided on which to get right now) to a 20' SF with an outboard on a jackplate with 5" setback?

The seastar website does not give any information on this.

I figure it should not be a problem because most bass boats have jackplates and I'm assuming hydraulic steering.


Bushwacker 06-29-2008 01:27 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat

The Seastar hydraulic cylinder mounts on the "tiller arm" of the motor and the piston rod it rides on attaches to the tilt pin on the engine bracket, so it won't matter if you raise and lower motor with the jack plate, provided there's enough slack in the hydraulic lines to accommodate the motion. The mechanical push-pull cable steering thru the tilt pin might be harder to rig up and more exposed to corrosion.

Yamtt125 06-29-2008 03:57 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat

I should have specified..the jackplate is manual, so I won't be raising and lowering all the time. I'm worried that when I tilt the motor up all the way, the cylinder might hit the jackplate, therefore leaving part of the lower unit in the water.

I also believe that the mechanical steering would be more difficult to install.

Bushwacker 06-29-2008 05:48 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat
I guess you'll have to get some measurements from motor like yours with the hyd. cylinder installed; clearance may depend on setback between jackplate and transom, and vertical setting of jackplate. I have about an inch of clearance between cyl. and mount pad on my f/g bracket with motor in full tilt position.

seabob4 06-29-2008 07:51 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat
The Seastar Cylinder mounts through the tilt tube of your motor, and won't give you any clearance problems on a Jack Plate. A Jack Plate is basically an extension of your transom. Do you need a Seastar system? HH5269 1.4 Helm, HC5345 Cylinder, and (2) hoses fabbed to length you spec, $700. All new and full 3 year warranty.

Yamtt125 06-29-2008 11:52 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat
Bob, just sent you a PM

Snookerd 06-30-2008 09:06 AM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat

The Seastar Cylinder mounts through the tilt tube of your motor, and won't give you any clearance problems on a Jack Plate.

FYI - I just learned last night that with my CMC jack plate positioned all the way down (on a Armstrong Bracket) I can't tilt the motor up all the way because .........I snapped the brass hydraulic line fitting right off the seastar cylinder last night :eek: I now am trying to find the right bit to reverse thread it and drill it out / screw it out :(

Yamtt125 06-30-2008 07:25 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat

I'm sorry to hear about what happened...reverse threading it then drilling it out can be a pain in the butt.

By any chance, do you have a picture of your bracket with the jack plates so I can get a much clearer idea of how it is mounted?. Mine is also a CMC.

seabob4 07-01-2008 10:55 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat
The bracket was the key. Also the pre-inspection of the steering system as described in the Teleflex manual. Interference possibilities do exist, and Teleflex clearly warns the operator about checking for the possibility of interference.

Always, ALWAYS, determine, slowly, the a ability of full travel, including hardover, when a Seastar system is installed. Only takes a couple of minutes, but saves a bunch, time and dollar wise.

Snookerd 07-01-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Mounting steering to an outboard on a jackplat

By any chance, do you have a picture of your bracket with the jack plates so I can get a much clearer idea of how it is mounted?. Mine is also a CMC.

Yamtt125-Here is the link to pics of the CMC's on the bracket CMC's on a bracket I got the broken fitting out today very quickly and found the part at Marine Surplus for $9. I wish all boat repairs were that quick, easy, and cheap.

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