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Yamtt125 09-08-2008 01:14 AM

Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF
I am almost done with the restore of my seacraft thanks to only getting 6 hrs of sleep in the 48 hours before I left for vacation on Marthas vineyard the last week of august. Heres a liltle history of the boat and some pics from MV...

Despite the fact that I had NO experience in fiberglass work, I first started to consider restoring a older boat when I was in high school. I either wanted a 17' mako, or a 20' SC. I was lucky enough to find my dream boat 3 hrs away from me in Plymouth, MA. As a freshman in college I first bought the boat as a stripped hull in January of '06. I had no idea what i was getting into, but there was no way I was going to give up.

After finally completing this project, I would like to thank everybody on this site. Without CSC and other sites similar to it, I could have never accomplished this.

Two main things I learned during this project:
1: everything you do takes at least triple the amount of time you had estimated, and 2: the money you invest is atleast triple what you estimate.

Here are some you can see, certain items still need to be added like the stereo and nav lights, and the SS insert for the rubrail was just put on today since I didn't have time to do it before vacation.


SonOfABeach 09-08-2008 02:53 PM

Re: Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF
Looks awesome man. I hope mine looks that good one day. Fine specimen of a boat you got there.

castalot 09-08-2008 09:05 PM

Re: Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF
the lagoon looks even better now!!!!

DaveE 09-09-2008 04:36 PM

Re: Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF

Beautiful job, I'm starting on my 75 20"SF soon. Can you tell me where you got the switch panel with the Seacraft logo on top? That looks wicked sarp.


Yamtt125 09-10-2008 07:52 PM

Re: Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF

Scott at Vector imaging made the panel for me. He makes alot of panels for guys on the classic mako site. Here is his number: 508-730-2954. he also has a website..i think it is

ScottM 09-13-2008 09:13 AM

Re: Mostly Completed 1971 20' SF
Very nice boat. Any luck catching the funny fish?

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