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Trayder 11-13-2009 07:20 PM

1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette
I am posting this for the current owner please direct all inquiries to him.

Attention all Seacraft enthusiasts! This limited edition Seavette has a flag blue awlgrip hull with apple green boot stripe, teak throughout interior/exterior, cushioned wraparound bolsters in cockpit with bucket seats, 1988 Johnson 225 outboard. No trailer. This boat could use a restoration as all hardware is original to the boat. Have owned this boat for twenty years, it's one of a kind! Best offer! Email

waytogo 11-13-2009 08:28 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette
beautiful boat good luck with the sale

77SceptreOB 11-13-2009 11:56 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette
Rare find. I wonder if all that teak on the top cap was factory or added later. Never seen a SeaVette w/ the teak. Only made 39, so maybe some were factory "customs"??

lost2a6 11-14-2009 01:46 AM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette

Rare find. I wonder if all that teak on the top cap was factory or added later. Never seen a SeaVette w/ the teak. Only made 39, so maybe some were factory "customs"??

Factory, mine use to have it, someone had painted it blue and I didn't want to deal with it so I had Mike to remove it.

Islandtrader 11-14-2009 12:00 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette
What is the asking price?

doug7488 11-14-2009 12:34 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette
The teak trim was used to cover the joint between the Seavette deck insert & center console deck.

77SceptreOB 11-14-2009 12:56 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette

The teak trim was used to cover the joint between the Seavette deck insert & center console deck.

Ahhhhh, that makes sense. Kinda has an odd zig-zag at the gunnels back toward the ice boxes.

Trayder 11-14-2009 02:09 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette

What is the asking price?

please read ad

"I am posting this for the current owner please direct all inquiries to him."

see email in listing

Islandtrader 11-14-2009 03:28 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette

please read ad

I Did... but with out a price I have no interest in following up!

Trayder 11-14-2009 05:18 PM

Re: 1978 Classic Seacraft 23' Seavette


please read ad

I Did... but with out a price I have no interest in following up!

I will ask the owner if he wants to add an asking price that is up to him

but I have to ask you this..... if you were not really interested why take the time to make 2 replys to this thread?

There is an email address clearly written in the listing. Just email the owner and my guess is in 1/2 the time you took to reply x2 to this thread you would know how much the boat is.

From chatting with the owner he wants it to go to a good home someone interesed who would realize the uniqueness of it and enjoy owning it. I did not get the feeling the owner wanted to retire on the proceeds of the sale either.

If anyone is genuinly interested in the boat email the owner to get a dialog going.

I will ask him if he want to add a listing price

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