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CaptCurt 02-16-2010 08:49 PM

79 MA restoration... here we go
Got the motor off this weekend, got the console off today. I am trading consoles with et23. He has a 23' with a small console which I want... and he wants my biga$$ console.

After removing the metal transom cap and inserting a screwdriver, my fears were confirmed when mushy wood came out in large quantities. :( The funny thing is, the transom "sounded" solid when tapped on. It also read "dry" to the low end of "moist" when we put et28's moisture meter on it.

Note the pile of wood bits on the ground under the transom.

The cavasil also came out in large, brittle chunks.

Also took the fuel tank hatches off, as I am going to replace the tank.

So now I am at a dilemma as to whether or not I should cut out the transom and replace it with a new plywood/fiberglass transom..... or pour in SeaCast, which I have read good things about.

I am also trying to decide if I want to pop off the top cap and lift out the inner liner before replacing the floor, or if I just want to cut out the liner/floor and glass a new one in.

I'll keep you updated. Any advice is appreciated!

Seacraft84 02-17-2010 01:29 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
I have a '77 MA that I am going to tear in to next winter. I am going to replace the transom and close it in at put on a bracket. Cut my floor out and replace it but put my new floor on top of the old floor to raise it alittle bit. My transom and floor are solid but want to put a bracket on the boat anyway.
With that said, I would replace the transom.
And I have heard the same results with those moisture meters. Not very reliable in my opinion. :rolleyes:
Interested in what you do and want to see pics of the process. :) Thanks

eggsuckindog 02-17-2010 03:08 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
I just don't want to know LOL

DonV 02-17-2010 10:01 PM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go

or pour in SeaCast, which I have read good things about.

Another option for a poured transom is the Arjay ceramic which is the same as the pourable NidaCore.....from what I've been told. Damn stuff is as hard as my head!!

CaptCurt 02-18-2010 12:12 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
So the floor and tank came out today, along with the rest of the wiring. Here is my patented tank removal system:

It consists of some 3/8" cable rope run through the brackets at the four corners of the tank, attached to a hydraulic motor lift. Once I used the sawzall to cut through the foam (had to do this about three times, making a wide channel through the foam), I jacked up the tank. Problem was.... the whole dang floor lifted up too! It took me (270 lbs) and my worker (120 lbs) bouncing on the floor with another guy working the lift to get it to break free. Once we broke the "seal", it came right out.

Next step was to sawzall around the "coffin", which I want to save and reuse.

The floor came out easily.

There were several inches of standing water under the floor. It is hard to see in this photo... but it is where you see little foam bits and trash.

After having seen photos of everyone else's stringers on this site, I was surprised to find that mine are wide and wedge-shaped.... not the four straight lines.

Tomorrow's job: remove the transom!

Here's what we'll be catching after the boat is done:

Fr. Frank 02-18-2010 12:57 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go

After having seen photos of everyone else's stringers on this site, I was surprised to find that mine are wide and wedge-shaped.... not the four straight lines.

No, yours are normal for the '79 MA. Older 20' SF and Seafari's had either two or four straight stringers. Some also had three, including one plywood-cored "semi-stringer" running down the kelson.

Blue197320 02-18-2010 12:59 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
my 73 sf has those stringers in it too.

Bushwacker 02-18-2010 02:13 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
The '72's have 4 stringers, so '73 was evidently the year that Potter changed from the original Moesly configuration.

Squido 02-18-2010 10:27 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go
Hey Capt. Curt let me know if you redo that recessed bowrail. I will buy those stantions off you. I have the same ones in my 1979. I have a couple where the set screw stripped out and I am looking for replacements.

CaptCurt 02-18-2010 11:52 AM

Re: 79 MA restoration... here we go

Hey Capt. Curt let me know if you redo that recessed bowrail. I will buy those stantions off you. I have the same ones in my 1979. I have a couple where the set screw stripped out and I am looking for replacements.

Planning on reusing them, but if plans change I'll let you know.

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