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77SceptreOB 08-06-2010 11:05 PM

New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
Hey Sceptre, Savage, and SeaFari guys...
Check out the completely, brand new louvered cabin door I made. All Teak, Mechanically fastened per original specs. I made special jig(s) to get everything just right. Now that I have all the equipment, jigs, bits, etc. I'm considering making and sell them on a limited, custom ordered basis. I've been woodworking for 30+ years, so quality will be good. Wondering what a fair price would be? What would someone be will to pay to get back to near new / showroom condition??

Check out more info at:

After pic:

Before pic:(When I "bought" the boat from my brother in July 2009)

Previously, The first thing I did, as many of us have tried, was ATTEMPT to "restore" my original cabin door. I had to fix the broken pieces.

Then I sanded and tried to make it presentable. Not too pretty though.

After I did my best, (Not being able to sand the louvers due to the small spaces)this was the best it was going to look. Unfortunately, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE, so I decided to make a complete new one from scratch using the original as a dimentional guide and hardware source (See top picture)

The Beginning of the NEW cabin door

Near the end of production.

Finished Product, ready for installation

Dilligaf 08-06-2010 11:15 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
i need one. tell me how much??? how much you spend on materials?

htillman 08-06-2010 11:23 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
I have a friend that would like one also. I recommend pricing the materials to make a dozen along with labor and offering them for sale and taking orders. Once you have committments for at least six, manufacture. I have seen alot of members looking for these items over the years.

McGillicuddy 08-06-2010 11:32 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
Looks Great! Nice before and after transformation.

I think I'll start looking for a project Tsunami/Sceptre now :D :D :D

77SceptreOB 08-07-2010 09:14 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
Sounds like a good idea. There is a lot of wood in these things. Fair amount of scrap too.

strick 08-07-2010 09:35 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
I went to a lumbar yard the other day and they quoted me $39.00 a board foot for teak :eek: so I bought some mahogany instead.


77SceptreOB 08-07-2010 09:57 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.

I went to a lumbar yard the other day and they quoted me $39.00 a board foot for teak :eek: so I bought some mahogany instead.

that's CRAZY!! I got a "deal" on mine then.

McGillicuddy 08-07-2010 10:45 PM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.
Down here, $39/bf is insane. On the other hand $10.25/bf is an exceptional in fact unheard of price, especially if at least S3S. $15/BF is about as inexpensive as it gets, and some yards will ask upward of $27/BF.

I'm a big fan of mahoganies for a number of reasons, including: price, finish ability, glue-ups, anti-decay properties, weight-to-strength ratio, and much less wear and tear on your tooling.

Of course at 10 bucks a board foot you can't beat bulletproof teak... Great score on the teak and a great job!

Islandtrader 08-08-2010 10:05 AM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.

Wondering what a fair price would be?

I have done a fair amount of WW projects for spare cash. Since I am retired I look at my time factor different.

When pricing out a job I take the cost of materials and then add how much I want to make on the project. Now this is not a way to run a "real" business but for specialty stuff I think this is the only way to go.

After making 10 or 12 doors you might get real bored and say I really don't want to do this any more, and raise the price.... :D

By the way excellent job.

NoBones 08-08-2010 10:38 AM

Re: New Louvered Cabin Doors for Sale - Maybe.

Fair amount of scrap too.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
There IS no scrap Teak!!!

A good friend of mine in the specialty wood
business corrected me 30 years ago about that. ;)
He was right....

Nice work, See ya, Ken

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