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Islandtrader 10-01-2011 09:21 AM

How do you question #2 For Valiant 200
OK...I was posting in the repairs and Mod section.

2 questions...

1. Is there a way to post more than 5 pictures at one time? Reason being in repair section more pictures are better than less.

2. How can you put a comment after the pictures (the comment after a picture and not before it).

Posting pictures otherwise is a breeze,


Mikem8560 10-01-2011 02:09 PM

I think if you use a host such as photobucket you can have more then 5 and if you use them after the code fot the photo just add your comment

bigeasy1 10-01-2011 03:20 PM

It won't let me post more than four pictures and I'm using the image code from my photobucket album.

Islandtrader 10-01-2011 04:55 PM

Same here only 5 from photo bucket. I am sure powers to be will chime in.

Mikem not sure what you are saying. I posted from Photo bucket and once in no way to post comments.

Trayder 10-01-2011 09:07 PM









Trayder 10-01-2011 09:08 PM

I just up'd it to 15 max

I also enabled the quick reply without clicking on a post

progress.....albeit slowly

no off to the spammers.....

Mikem8560 10-01-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Islandtrader (Post 194615)
Same here only 5 from photo bucket. I am sure powers to be will chime in.

Mikem not sure what you are saying. I posted from Photo bucket and once in no way to post comments.

Let me try this islander
from photobucjet
a pix from gasparilla pass

Just type aftrr each pic code

Islandtrader 10-02-2011 08:30 AM

I will give it a try.

Limit of fish.

Ok I found out what bigeasy and myself were doing. We went into the paper clip icon. There it will allow you do download 5 attachments at one time. Abeit than you can not post after each attachment.

This is a great upgrade but it funny how different people find different ways to do things, Thanks.:D

Hey Mikem we should hook up some time in the pass. I am only 5 miles away from Little G and 9 or so from Boca...nice pictures by the way.

Mikem8560 10-02-2011 10:29 AM

Sure ya I used to keep my bats at GAsparilla or stump pass marinas then last July I bought a place on canal up in the harbor, and had to sell my boat due to a bridge. That why I got the seacraft
Once I get the boat ready and in the water I'll be around. Do you ever go to the party cove events at dog island.

NoBones 10-02-2011 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mikem8560 (Post 194631)
Do you ever go to the party cove events at dog island.

Only if they have ring toss or bingo game going on.....:rolleyes::D

Just kiddin' Terry, well maybe not!!

See ya, Ken

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