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Mikem8560 10-02-2011 04:02 PM

Motorwell on 20SF
In my well is a 6"x12"
opening acces to bildge with a clear plexi cover that slip I to a aluminum track. There are no screw boles in the plexi but there are in the Fiberglasas around the hole.
Are all 20SF,s this way or perhaps a past owners doing
I'm just a bit concerned with seawater comming in the well drain holes and going into the bildge

Blue_Heron 10-02-2011 06:57 PM

I have a similar hatch on my '83 20. Must be a Seacraft Industries thing. You're right to be concerned, it leaks like a sieve. I usually keep plugs in the motor well drains. And I have redundant bilge pumps.

eggsuckindog 10-03-2011 01:00 PM

If it leaks fix the source rather than compensate for it. It should replaced with a hatch that seals much better, lots of them avaiable but the transon plugs should not be plugged because of it. They provide a place for water to exit the boat in case you take one over the bow and need to be open.
I have a Pyi Hi set it a plexi plate that I have to seal and want to change it to a hatch so I get a bigger access area quicker than pulling the plexi plate up.

Yz2009 10-03-2011 05:50 PM

87' 20SF. This is the best picture i could find. Its a round access hatch. Its on threads and screws tight. Its nice knowing the access plate is screwed in and secure but there isnt much access to the bilge.
And yes i know its really dirty. That picture is from before i bought it.

eggsuckindog 10-03-2011 07:15 PM

Same thing I have but mine is set in a plexi piece that allows better access - I want to re-do mine with a hatch so i don't have to pull the plexi to get more room. They come in all sizes, West has them as well, its a pain doing anything in there thru the Py Hi

Mikem8560 10-04-2011 12:00 PM

Mike slips into a track at the transome a d it holds it up slightly. I could screw it down and seal it but then I ciould not access the pumps fast if I had to.I'd like to see a hat h over it but the size is only at a max 9" front to back I've only seen 91/2" and then the hight of the hatch may be a ploblem if it was installed up againstthe transome. 8" x 12" would be good

eggsuckindog 10-04-2011 06:58 PM

Maybe just run a bead of silcone around the back, shouldn't be in it that often

Mikem8560 10-04-2011 11:02 PM

Let me know if you find a hatch that will fit.

eggsuckindog 10-04-2011 11:14 PM

Mine is an MA and has alot more room than 9-1/2'' but I will look in my travels, because I am going to do it - I just want to pull the lever and have access.

Mikem8560 10-05-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by eggsuckindog (Post 194692)
Mine is an MA and has alot more room than 9-1/2'' but I will look in my travels, because I am going to do it - I just want to pull the lever and have access.

E is one source I found they have a 91/2" x 23" ish

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