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3rdday 09-29-2012 05:22 PM

21 Moesly- The Dream Can Be Had!!!!!!
5 Attachment(s)
Can I get a What, What??
It is true Stevo and I are selling the Moesly 21 Hull and I beam Aluminum Trailer.
This is going to be a project - if you don't have the time to put into a restoration, please be respectful of my time and do not waste my time, I'm working 12-14 hours per day.

If you want the extremely rare 21 you will have to pay to play-( this is not a stretch and easily a once in a lifetime opportunity). How many have you seen for sale, how many are known to exist perhaps 6, maybe 7? As to not devalue the other 21s my friends own(yes all of your are friends some closer than others) that are being restored the price will be almost shocking. Remember the simple economics of supply and demand; since there are no 21's to be had it's simple..................................... While there are many 23's out there, they are entirely different hulls!!!!! If Einstein were a hull designer or Hull inventor his name would have been Carl Moesly. Yes, I freakin said it!!!!! Mans ego and ignorance is the only logic why the original Moesly Design was molested.

Our ask is $7500 - I got lucky and paid 3700 for a blank hull(Black Jack- Formerly Berry Picker) I know another that paid close to 5K for another 21.

Please email me- I do not check the CSC site for Private Messages often.

bscapo at gmail dot com

Jason I paid today paypal


McGillicuddy 09-29-2012 07:54 PM

Good luck with the sale. It was an excellent, daring sea rescue. Sorry you don't have time for the project but at least you still have a pair of Moeslys to choose from to go for a cruise from time to time. Hope to see this project stay on this board. Cheers.

3rdday 09-29-2012 08:24 PM

I almost lost my life and didn't even know it. Despite my ignorance and Steve's recommendation to turn back and go to Fisherman's Hospital. ( I'm a dumbass wannabe tough guy)
Then, on cleanup pulled out an eel 4" diameter, that would have been the proverbial straw that broke the camels' back. (I start and end my day on my knees talking to GOD)
The story is graphic- The oldest Pub/Restaraunt in Big Pine has my DNA permanently affixed!!!!!! Sorry No Name PuB. We have all heard of the pee pee dance, the walking like a china man with short choppy steps, but there is no name for the 8' high velocity, high volume, projectile vomit from the door to the bowl. More details to come in my story"Chasing Moesly".
Sandy- I'm trying but the eloquence escapes me.

McGillicuddy 09-29-2012 08:45 PM

...The logic ties me up and rapes me...

sorry Sandy, I was lurking again:D Brian your doing fine, hows about another snippet of your literary exploits...

oh, sorry, didn't me to derail your sale...err...
Was the hull number still intact? Was it (the Moesly 21) the Sportman or the Overnighter layout?

77SceptreOB 09-29-2012 08:59 PM

More on this "Rescue" please......curious.

3rdday 09-29-2012 09:06 PM

[QUOTE=McGillicuddy;208003]...The logic ties me up and rapes me...

OMG.......I know that verse.... Gordon at some of his best. Dude, freaky vibes.

How about this one; "what's the frequency Kenneth?" 3 letters....

gofastsandman 09-29-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by McGillicuddy (Post 208003)
...The logic ties me up and rapes me...

sorry Sandy, I was lurking again:D Brian your doing fine, hows about another snippet of your literary exploits...

oh, sorry, didn't me to derail your sale...err...
Was the hull number still intact? Was it (the Moesly 21) the Sportman or the Overnighter layout?

Do do daah,

Carl had so many solutions,

Love the 21!

McGillicuddy 09-30-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by McGillicuddy (Post 208003)
...The logic ties me up and rapes me...


OMG.......I know that verse.... Gordon at some of his best. Dude, freaky vibes.

How about this one; "what's the frequency Kenneth?" 3 letters....

Yeah, I spent a lot of time in REM mode. often pick up the guitar fall into some Driver 8 or Wendell Gee or the like.

That Monster record was under appreciated. Cryptic lyrics. Heard the song was about Dan Rather being beat up in NY by some disturbed fellow trying to get the frequency to kill his brain pain...Sandy can better evaluate the poesy...

Any bites on the 21?

3rdday 09-30-2012 05:33 PM

Yes sir, right away.
I purposely advertised it as such to flush out the bullshitters and tire kickers. The folks that are coming to the table are not baulking at the price. They know what it is and know the value. I have told them all, the real serious market will dictate the price, and they concede .
I have not bothered with any other sales resource as the folks here on CSC know.......

gofastsandman 09-30-2012 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by 3rdday (Post 208005)

Yeah, I spent a lot of time in REM mode. often pick up the guitar fall into some Driver 8 or Wendell Gee or the like.

That Monster record was under appreciated. Cryptic lyrics. Heard the song was about Dan Rather being beat up in NY by some disturbed fellow trying to get the frequency to kill his brain pain...Sandy can better evaluate the poesy...

Any bites on the 21?

Cryptic? Rather? What`s The frequency?...they used to have a home. While we are at it why not give healthcare back to the Church where it was really happy. Healthcare and McDonalds should not be used so fast.

Good luck with the sale 3rdDay.

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