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Billpotter 04-05-2013 06:50 PM

Free 1986 23 console
I'm giving away a 1986 23 console to anyone who will come get it in South Florida- it has lots of holes, but the price is right.

daydreamer 04-06-2013 08:09 AM

were in south fla are you?

Billpotter 04-06-2013 09:15 PM

I'm in the south- southwest 152 street (Coral Reef Drive) and US 1, Palmetto Bay (southeastern Miami area)- I'm 10 minutes from the turnpike-

I also have a stainless steel low profile bow rail for the same deal.

Rlbol 04-08-2013 11:07 PM

Do you know which console it is?
There were two a small one that had a flip up lid on the front seat and a large one that had no front seat but had a large walk in door?
If you can post or send me a picture it would be easy to tell which model.

Billpotter 04-09-2013 09:01 PM

It has the side opening seat in front, instrument/ electronics flat aft.

As a surveyor- at this point in the day, I'm photoed out-

parrott 04-10-2013 07:05 AM

I will take it and whatever you have to go with it. Thanks, Brett
252-342-2509 Give me a holler

spiritdude 04-13-2013 08:23 PM

My friend Steve told me he spoke with you. We would be happy to come pick it up. Do we need to bring a trailer? Give Steve 321.604.0241 or myself 321.302.4695 (Larry) a call. Thanks. If parrott wants the console, he can have it.

parrott 04-15-2013 03:14 PM

Havent heard back from him??

spiritdude 04-19-2013 11:19 PM

Parrott, my buddy Steve has been trading some text messages with him, but he hasn't called either of us back. i'm heading down to Pompano tomorrow, i would love to go look at it.

Albert Jr. 05-05-2013 09:33 AM

What do you mean with holes ?
Where are the holes ?

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