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jdandme 05-18-2013 08:29 PM

SeaCraft 20 Question Need Help!
Hi all,

I have SeaCrafts in my blood, I just can't seem to get away from looking at the lines and hull on these boats. I have had a 1973 23 Sceptre and grew up with my fathers 23 cc.

I have been looking for a boat but think the 23 will be a lot for me to afford and also launch and pull at the ramp because I don't want to leave the boat in a slip. I really like the lines on the 20 Sceptre, its almost like a bow rider with a lot of room to fish. The Safari is nice also, and the cabin would allow for overnight trips with my wife and 2 kids 6 and 8 (maybe).

Here is my problem, the 20 seems so small for a twenty footer. I had a 1985 19 Grady White bow rider and I think that might have been a little bigger?

what do you guy's think about the 20? Is it a huge difference from the 23? I seem to be finding a lot of I/O's, does anyone have performance on 3.0 130 HP Mercruiser VS the 5.0 V8?

Plan on inshore fishing bays and a couple of miles offshore, also Long Island Sound. Kids love beaching the boat and exploring the beach.

What do you all think?

gofastsandman 05-18-2013 08:48 PM

Even Michael Jackson could not get away with sleeping with a wife two kids and a dog in the

hermco 05-18-2013 10:00 PM

Michael Jackson slept with dogs? :eek: :D

otterhound 05-18-2013 10:38 PM

There's a 20' Seafari at Goldsmith's in Southold if your up for a project. I took a quick look at it and seems complete.

McGillicuddy 05-18-2013 11:02 PM

Huge difference between the 23 and the 20 in space...

Seafari 20 may be the most capable/versatile 20' ever. Biggest cuddy you find on a 20 and very trailerable even on supect ramps. Nimble, yet very capable in snotty conditions while keeping things dry; and just cute as Flipper (the bottle nose dolphin).

The 3.0L Merc probably avg. 4 mpg vs. 2.5 mpg on the 5.0 L. Top end probably 35 vs 43mph.

I/O Seafari is a great option for a young /small family.

Bushwacker 05-18-2013 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by jdandme (Post 215787)
. . . I seem to be finding a lot of I/O's, does anyone have performance on 3.0 130 HP Mercruiser VS the 5.0 V8?

Plan on inshore fishing bays and a couple of miles offshore, also Long Island Sound. Kids love beaching the boat and exploring the beach.

What do you all think?

The 20' Seafari is one of the most capable and versatile 20' boats ever made! I've had mine for 38 years and done just about everything with it . . . fishing, diving, 200 mile Bahama trips in 4-6' seas, a 700 mile S. Fla. circumnavigation trip, long distance trailering, lived on the boat for up to 6 days, etc.

Check out it's performance in this article on the Seafari 20: It got better than 5 mpg with a 140 MerCruiser! The CG is further forward on the I/O model, so it will ride better than the OB model, and it will plane at 12 mph W/O trim tabs. This is very important in a relatively light boat that wants to go airborne at about 20 kts when seas get over about 3'! Yes, it's a LOT smaller boat than the 23 and won't ride like a 23, but it sounds like it's about what you're looking for!

cdavisdb 05-19-2013 11:31 AM

You can do 2 adults/2 kids in a 20 Seafari, but you have to figure out how to convert part of the deck to lay down a couple of good quality self inflating mattresses(Thermorest is best) and produce a great berth for two, kids should be no problem, adults in the cabin.'

I had a 20 seafari for years, mostly diving and camping. Outstanding boat. Agree with the above, its unbelievably sea kindly for its size. Layout is perfect for what you want to do, much better than the Septre for camping.

cdavisdb 05-19-2013 05:09 PM


You are definitely the expert, but are you sure about the CG being farther forward on the
I/0? I/0 is heavier and the engine is farther forward, but not much of either. The outboard is way back there, even when it is mounted on the transom.

jdandme 05-19-2013 09:26 PM

Thanks everyone, any 20 Scepter comments out there?

Bushwacker 05-19-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by cdavisdb (Post 215838)
. . . but are you sure about the CG being farther forward on the I/0? I/0 is heavier and the engine is farther forward, but not much of either. The outboard is way back there, even when it is mounted on the transom.

I asked Carl Moesly himself about the CG difference between the I/O and the outboard models, and he said it was further forward on the I/O model. He designed both, so he ought to know! However his OB design was for the I-6 Merc, which weighs less than 300 lbs! With today's 400-500 lb outboards, the CG difference between the I/O and outboard models would be even more pronounced! Denny

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