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gofastsandman 05-22-2013 09:29 PM

Perko customer service!
When we last left our hero, he was frantically surfing
with Barney looking for the elusive rigger tube. He had
become a slave to the perceived greatness of the web.
He called all the big hitters in the metal biz. He learned
the 5/8 " od tube was indeed an elusive creature in the
wilds of the web. On day two of the hunt he came
upon the yellow pages online. A local guide gave
his assurance a local fab shop would have it. A
local? Has he lost his mind?

He called Malloy's and the egg was cracked. He swooped
the face and slammed down the place. A smile ...came
to his face.

Back to the shop, he went in a blink.
Now was the time to think. He paid seven clams
for the hunt and prize. Six ft. long 2b cut to size.

Now for the eye.

He called Perko and spoke with a gal named Gail. She
said it's been 10 years since those were for sale.

She said she had an old closet and would look inside,
and what would she find to his suprise?

A halyard line guide for the wild.

Many thanks to Gail at Perko.

When you can't find it, make it.

I could have written this faster with a quill pen.

Friend of Denny

TooFly 05-23-2013 12:15 AM

There once was a man from Nantucket...

Wait. Where in Mass are you from? :D Or am I thinking of someone else?

gofastsandman 05-23-2013 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by TooFly (Post 216005)
There once was a man from Nantucket...

Wait. Where in Mass are you from? :D Or am I thinking of someone else?

Born just west of the Fens. Falmouth to 6 mos. Padanaram
through 2nd grade. Barnstable through 6 th grade. I used
To deliver Kurt Vonnegut's Cape Cod Times as a squid.
I would love to launch a row boat off the last floating
dock of Bunny's pier and stomp for little necks at low tide.
Google Beetle Cats. Bunny Howard was a fine sailor.
So is Sham Hunt.

Ray C. Hunt was a childhood friend. Water is my love.

TooFly 05-29-2013 08:11 PM

Very cool, GFS. :)


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