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fg1 07-09-2013 05:39 PM

Carl Moesly
Real nice article in this month's Professional Boat Builder Magazine about the F&S sportfish boats, which are basically giant SeaCraft VDH bottoms. Very complimentary of Carl and his early research methods.
Great ideas live forever!

65Bowrider 07-10-2013 10:32 AM

Nice find Dan and thanks for the heads up.
Now searching for the magazine.....

gofastsandman 07-10-2013 07:54 PM

Jack`s links?

joshmon71 07-11-2013 09:30 AM

you have to subscribe or purchase the magazine to see the article :(.

-see the link on left side for Issue 144, Aug/Sept 2013

However the boat maker has some real nice tributes :)

fg1 07-13-2013 10:07 AM

Carla, if you can't find one no worries. I'm going to take it over to Denny as soon as I've read it.

McGillicuddy 07-13-2013 12:56 PM

That's great! Just got my issue. Every month I secretly hope they'll do something with Steve or F&S, and always look for Steve's or F&S's Card in the Classified section. This is awesome. With the exception of their editors failing to run the Sea and Craft together this should be and enjoyable read. Gotta go read now...:)

fdheld34 07-13-2013 09:08 PM

I called F&S and got my free T-Shirt...that was 3 years ago... so its time to make another call!:rolleyes:

gofastsandman 07-13-2013 09:12 PM

Took me two years to understand reality and such of diving. With a nice stamp we learn,
and move about the beautiful depth.

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