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BigLew 07-18-2013 11:45 PM

Looking for a fellow CSC'er!
I was driving off the Cape (Cod) tonight about ~8PM. I stopped at the service plaza just west of Hyannis and watched a pale blue/green Seacraft pull away from the gas pumps. I knew I had seen the boat on here - 23' CC with a reverse rake doghouse. Caught up to him o RT3 at about Hanover/s. Weymouth area. Tried to speak with him but traffic behind prevented it.

I just want to know who it was and say Hi! (I was the mad man in a black subaru Outback. (He was driving a heavy duty black pickup with the "pretty boat" behind him.)

NoBones 07-19-2013 12:59 AM

That could be considered stalking or even worse profiling!!!

DonV 07-19-2013 08:04 AM

No kidding Ken!!! Good thing Lew didn't have a gun! :rolleyes:

BigLew 07-19-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 218065)
No kidding Ken!!! Good thing Lew didn't have a gun! :rolleyes:

Who said I didn't?

gofastsandman 07-19-2013 08:35 PM

[QUOTE=BigLew;218050]I was sitting in a parking lot on the mid cape tonight about 8 pm. I was the mad man in the Scooby Doo van with a 12 inch lift kit rollin` on 36" mudders sportin` the pumpkin colored Crocs.

Not easy to get a carry permit in Ma.

OilFieldMan 07-20-2013 09:57 AM

Getting a carry permit in Mass isn't that hard. I know more then a handful of people carrying.

Their are a butt load of SeaCrafts in Mass, I love going to the harbors and looking at all of them

gofastsandman 07-20-2013 05:57 PM

My Brother has one. There are ton of SC`s on the Cape, and yet we see no pics of gatherings....

OilFieldMan 07-21-2013 08:36 AM

I wish someone would put one together. It'd be a blast to see some of the guys here on the board.

TooFly 07-27-2013 02:34 PM

I'm down for a GTG. It's true. CSCs are all over MA. I saw a navy blue 20 pulling away from a marina gas pump in Mahble-head a few days ago. It looked all shiny and new from a distance. Pretty boat.


Wildman 07-29-2013 06:07 PM

It had a bracket too right? Same color as mine baisicly. He was staying in Orleans for the first week of Comm bass season, I have seen the boat before. Partial to the color.

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