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daydreamer 05-30-2014 07:23 AM

help with console delivery
anyone in north or south Carolina going to nj ? trying to get console from a 23 seacraft delivered.

sjef 06-03-2014 04:36 PM

I'll be heading back to Jersey from Flordia the first week of July. I'll have my truck probably be towing a boat. Let me know if I can help.

daydreamer 06-03-2014 05:46 PM

thanks for the reply. I live off of I-85 in Belmont nc. the console is out of a 23 seacraft. it would fit in a pickup bed. I sold to another csc member. is in nj don't know if this would work for you without to much trouble but it sure would help him . let me know what you think. thanks in advance!!!!

gofastsandman 06-03-2014 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by sjef (Post 227969)
I'll be heading back to Jersey from Flordia the first week of July. I'll have my truck probably be towing a boat. Let me know if I can help.

CSC rocks.

daydreamer 06-12-2014 04:27 PM

Thanks guys . The sell to a member in jn did not work out. Another guy fron eastern nc bought it and is picking it up on sat!!

eggsuckindog 07-25-2014 01:48 AM

Frank Mole Transport runs the east coast alot with go fast boats and can do stuff like this

wattaway2 07-25-2014 07:22 AM

im ready to buy a new trailer was going to Give my brother in plumb isld ma. my old galv. trailer . s.fla. to ma is a log way anyone got any experiance with shipping something that far ? its a long tow ! and old trail doesnt have brakes with our luck he'd get a ticket justtrying to get a free trailer--

flyingfrizzle 07-25-2014 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by wattaway2 (Post 229541)
im ready to buy a new trailer was going to Give my brother in plumb isld ma. my old galv. trailer . s.fla. to ma is a log way anyone got any experiance with shipping something that far ? its a long tow ! and old trail doesnt have brakes with our luck he'd get a ticket justtrying to get a free trailer--

I have bought a seacraft and trailer from mid fl to nc & nc to Ma. I wouldn't even think about s.fl to Ma. Once u hit north of Va to Ma expect $250-$300 in road tolls not to mention the $800 in gas or more one way. You couldn't make a one way trip with a trailer for under $1000. Shipping services on this would easily be $3000. If you could pay a member here making that trip already the extra $150 in tolls for the extra axels and then $300 for troubles and extra gas it burns pulling you still would have $500 in the move. I would sell it on CL for $500 and mail him the cash so he could buy one there before I tried to do the long haul. All stars would have to align to make this trip work out for the trailers worth.

wattaway2 07-25-2014 09:02 AM

LOL yea thats kinda the way I figured it too! but had to ask about it and see if anyone had any other ideas

FLexpat 07-25-2014 09:13 AM

Not sure what it costs but Amtrak will do palletized freight.
(if you are still talking about a console, but it looks like the thread has morphed into a trailer transport discussion)

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