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Mikem8560 10-13-2014 09:55 PM

a boaters best and worst day
sad to say im no longer a seacraft owner. my boat was best I could make it l I had more enjoyment making improvements and working on her then using her. so today she was delivered to Jupiter. funny thing was the lady I was dealing with asked it she could have her friend who was in tampa last week come check it outon his way home , her husband was out of town but she wanted to move forward her son knew seacraft and told her they were good boats. well I said sure I could meet here frien so while I was at work the fellow called me and said he was 30 mins away . so I got home and when I was walking out my garage to meet him he looked awfully familiar( I though one of my many customers ) then I relized who she had sent to check out my seacraft. but Bert from ship shape TV. no kidding so I knew my boat was in great shape and who better to confirm it for her .

well she left this morning
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then took her for a spin in Jupiter once we got there
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Islandtrader 10-14-2014 07:39 AM

So what is the next project?

Mikem8560 10-14-2014 08:17 AM

Already home terry a welcraft coastal
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77SceptreOB 10-14-2014 04:46 PM

Is it BIG enough...LOL😀

WildBill 10-14-2014 04:47 PM

Wow; I didn't even know you were trying to sell her. Happy wave busting and dry sun glasses.

Bill :cool:

strick 10-18-2014 09:50 PM

Sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Good luck with the next project!


OilFieldMan 10-20-2014 09:59 PM


On your new well craft, how sturdy is the hard top without forward stanchions?

I'm attempting to do the similar thing with the scepter I have, but I don't want the front stanchions.


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