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bigeasy1 01-14-2015 02:59 PM

Why am I still living up north
Ok,I know this is a real corny,and kind of cheezy,video/song but I came across it by accident,and got a kick out of it with him smoking and the typical 80's clothes.

It also made me realize how lucky you Florida guys are,and how nuts I am for staying in the north country where it was minus 6 degrees this morning.
I'm leaving for a weeks vacation to Sanibel on Feb 7th to the 14th.The more I see nothing but the raw, cold, depressing winter,the closer I get to saying adios to New England(at least for the winter).
I cant get outta here fast enough.Definitely time to sell the house,the long underwear,ski jackets,pac boots,snow blower,etc,and move south,spend the winter there,and summers back north to my camp in the summer

BTW,what ctr console is that in the video?

77SceptreOB 01-14-2015 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by bigeasy1 (Post 233665)
BTW,what ctr console is that in the video?

Yep, pretty cheesy....the CC is a AMF Robalo I believe. Check out the video at the 2:30 mark.

gofastsandman 01-14-2015 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by bigeasy1 (Post 233665)
Ok,I know this is a real corny,and kind of cheezy,video/song but I came across it by accident,and got a kick out of it with him smoking and the typical 80's clothes.

It also made me realize how lucky you Florida guys are,and how nuts I am for staying in the north country where it was minus 6 degrees this morning.
I'm leaving for a weeks vacation to Sanibel on Feb 7th to the 14th.The more I see nothing but the raw, cold, depressing winter,the closer I get to saying adios to New England(at least for the winter).
I cant get outta here fast enough.Definitely time to sell the house,the long underwear,ski jackets,pac boots,snow blower,etc,and move south,spend the winter there,and summers back north to my camp in the summer

BTW,what ctr console is that in the video?

Now how many years have we been reading this threat?

Windows open. T shirt on.

You have a northern camp and this is a question?

bigeasy1 01-14-2015 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by gofastsandman (Post 233678)
Now how many years have we been reading this threat?

Windows open. T shirt on.

You have a northern camp and this is a question?

Yeah I know, I'm like the boy who cried wolf, but I am going to take a look at some real estate wben IM down in Feburary.Some health issues have thrown a bit of a monkey wrench into my end game plans, but im hoping to have some relief and and a final diagnosis in the next few months.
Making a move like this is not as easy as I thought, but im getting much closer, need to get the house ready for market, get family on board,And scout out some other area's.
I'd be doing this alone, and dont have family or close friends in Fl, so its a bit scary, but im sure my kids would love to have a free place to stay for a winter vacation.
I f the doc gives me the green light, this will be my last winter up here.

Terry England 01-14-2015 10:55 PM

Get to Doc Ford's on Sanibel Island for dinner and if you can beg, borry or steal a boat try Barnical Phil's on Upper Captiva and scoot to Cabbage Key too. Get some Luv-Lures and a spinner and wear the trout out. If your looking for "relatively inexpensive" permanent fish camp here, look around St. James City on Pine Island.
Big, We're all on borrowed time and we ain't gitten out alive so "mash the throttles down and let her eat" as I believe Carl said.

daydreamer 01-15-2015 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Terry England (Post 233681)
Get to Doc Ford's on Sanibel Island for dinner and if you can beg, borry or steal a boat try Barnical Phil's on Upper Captiva and scoot to Cabbage Key too. Get some Luv-Lures and a spinner and wear the trout out. If your looking for "relatively inexpensive" permanent fish camp here, look around St. James City on Pine Island.
Big, We're all on borrowed time and we ain't gitten out alive so "mash the throttles down and let her eat" as I believe Carl said.

just saw a show beachfront bargins. they looked at james city on pine island cost was no that bad at all!!!!!!

NoBones 01-15-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by bigeasy1 (Post 233680)
I'd be doing this alone, and dont have family or close friends in Fl, so its a bit scary,

You have more family and friends in Florida then you think.....:)

bigeasy1 01-15-2015 11:08 AM

Well,I just told my branch manager,who is also a friend that he should think about maybe getting a new employee around this coming september or sooner,so that I can train him to do my job.

I'm going to finish at the end of the year,and hopefully have my house ready to be on the market by late summer of this year.
A big part of this relies on my house selling.The good thing is that its a small home in a fairly expensive area,and I'd be willing to let it go reasonably,so hopefully. it would go quick.
I've spent an hour or so this morning looking at small houses and manufactured,and mobile type homes in St James city and surrounding areas,and was surprised how nice and fairly affordable many of them were.

When I get down there in Feb.I'm going to contact a realtor to show me a few places,to get an idea of what they're really like.Anyone know a low pressure realtor???

I'd also have to get something like a small center console for the inshore waters,as I'd keep the 23 Tsunami up on the great lakes.

Thanks Bones,I may finally get the chance to get to some of the gatherings and actually meet some of you guys who have been so helpful to me in my rebuild and great info like this.

Terry England 01-15-2015 11:06 PM

Bertie Higgins

Originally Posted by bigeasy1 (Post 233665)

BTW,what ctr console is that in the video?

It's not a Seacraft. It was before a Parker. It has a deeper entry than an Aquasport, Proline or early Mako, but it dosen't have the flare of a Wellcraft V- 17 or 20. Bertie Higgens was from Tarpon Springs, so I'm thinking it's a Stamas. The little Open Fisherman were pretty rare though. They built a lot of 21, 23's and 26 hardtops back then. They put a lot of glass in them, they ride a little hard, but I never heard of anyone breaking one. Not a a bad boat for the Gulf, built buy the Greeks in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

PigSticker 01-16-2015 08:31 PM

x2 on AMF Robalo

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