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Fr. Frank 04-16-2015 09:17 AM

It's an Addiction: a sickness
Just decided to buy a 2nd SeaCraft with my wife's blessing.
1968 20' SF, with 1976 235 hp Evinrude, single axle trailer.

I first saw this boat sitting lonely under an industrial building cover in 2002. It hasn't moved an inch in the ensuing 13 years. I tried to buy it in 2009, but couldn't make arrangements to meet with the owner, who now lives in the Keys.
The boat is in Inglis, FL, almost next to Carl Moesly's old house. (It was a couple of houses away)

The above-deck fuel tank was pulled out from the console for replacing, and the boat has not been back in the water since then, and has not even been started since '99.

Here is a really eerie coincidence:
Back in October of '14, I bought a 20' Seafari from a man in Massachussetts.
The owner of this 20' SF HAS THE SAME FIRST AND LAST NAME as the man in Mass.

They are, however, no apparent relation.

I will probably flip this boat rather quickly....or maybe not. :-)

Blackfin26 04-16-2015 10:15 AM

Congrats Father confession needed :) Been working on getting a title for a '79 18 footer myself for almost one year!

Terry England 04-16-2015 05:28 PM

Seacraft Disease

Originally Posted by Fr. Frank (Post 235696)
Just decided to buy a 2nd SeaCraft with my wife's blessing.
1968 20' SF, with 1976 235 hp Evinrude, single axle trailer.

I will probably flip this boat rather quickly....or maybe not. :-)

Padre', Two's not too bad. You'll be OK - take two asprins and call me in the morning........
It's Frizz, I'm worried about - I think it's terminal with him!!!!!!!

Water Rat 04-16-2015 07:28 PM

Fr. Frank,
Congratulations on the addition to the fleet; hope the 20' Safari is treating you well also.

ocuyler 04-19-2015 06:35 PM

Congrats on the new acquisition. After the first 2 or three, the law of attraction comes into play and these boats somehow find us. After meeting Carl And Jeanne Moesly, Carla and Skip 10 years ago, 4 (more) SC's followed, including the current project '67 bowrider.

Fr. Frank 04-20-2015 08:11 PM

Drove 350 miles to go finalize the deal, and discovered the boat was beyond my financial and physical capabilities. Jim Peterson was extremely gracious, as I told him I could not buy the boat.
The transom will need a new core AND a new outer skin, and the deck also needs to be re-cored. All of the hatches are now missing. It does have a brand new stainless steel fuel tank, though.
Just more than I can take on right now. Beautiful boat, though.

BigLew 04-21-2015 05:52 AM

HE has spoken to you Frank. It is not for now. Father knows best.

Be well our Friend.

Fr. Frank 04-21-2015 04:22 PM


If someone else wants this project, I told the owner about our website and the listing fee.

flyingfrizzle 04-22-2015 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Terry England (Post 235704)
Padre', Two's not too bad. You'll be OK - take two asprins and call me in the morning........
It's Frizz, I'm worried about - I think it's terminal with him!!!!!!!

IM getting better, I passed on 2 free ones in the last 3 months. A year ago I would of never done that...

Fr. Frank 04-23-2015 04:22 PM

[QUOTE=flyingfrizzle; I passed on 2 free ones in the last 3 months. ...[/QUOTE]

yeah, that's amazing.

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