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Joe R 07-11-2015 02:19 PM

Atlantic City July 26th 2015 Sea U there
SeaCraft get together this year July 26th 2015......same as in the past...

Gardners Basin, Atlantic City....come out and have a nice relaxing evening , meet fellow SeaCraft owners, talk fishing, boats ,make new friends....the docking is free on a first come basis , but there is always room ..the deck has 2 nice outside bars, picnic tables, food trucks serving great casual will be high tide late that afternoon and daylight till 8:30 .we set the time at 5pm since the weekend rush is winding down.....plan on staying afew hours giving guys time to arrive from a distance and not missing meeting each other....ANY QUESTIONS ,directions, docking, boat launch ramps etc PLEASE contact me 609-335-5519 cell

Joe R.
20ft Classic SeaCraft
Susie II

FAS 07-15-2015 09:05 PM

only a few hours away from me, how many boats are you expecting ?sounds like a good time !

Joe R 07-17-2015 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by FAS (Post 237426)
only a few hours away from me, how many boats are you expecting ?sounds like a good time !

Its a small local get together ,,,all are welcome , I try real hard to get the word out but only get 6-7 boats ,,,I have flyers around the marinas and whenever I see a Secraft or owner I try to invite them. also posting on face book......lots of work for a few boats....

Joe R.
20ft Classic SeaCraft
Susie II

Joe R 07-22-2015 09:03 AM

Getting close
weather looks great...nice high tide.....sunset....light until 8:30 + no excuses .......

Joe R.
20ft Classic SeaCraft
Susie II

vikingfish 07-24-2015 07:11 AM

ugggh this stinks as I have prior plans and just getting to see this. would it have been possible to crash this amazing party with a 1967 donzi center console? Its a fish boat! our family has been sea craft owners for years...

caboman22 07-24-2015 09:14 AM

I have to work on Sunday but will make an effort to meet up with you guys.

Joe R 07-24-2015 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by vikingfish (Post 237648)
ugggh this stinks as I have prior plans and just getting to see this. would it have been possible to crash this amazing party with a 1967 donzi center console? Its a fish boat! our family has been sea craft owners for years...

Sounds like a cool boat, sorry u cant make it...maybe next year...

Joe R.
20ft Classic SeaCraft
Susie II

billythekid 07-05-2016 04:31 PM

Joe is there going to be a gathering this year?

Joe R 07-06-2016 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by billythekid (Post 244961)
Joe is there going to be a gathering this year?

YES.....AS SOON AS I GET MY BOAT BACK TOGETHER....I will be putting the word out with date....should know in a few weeks.....if intrested email me at with your cell and email

Joe R 609-335-5519 cell if needed
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

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