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Ron342 04-03-2016 10:49 AM

Seat/live well combo for my 20' Safari
Hello Seacraft folks - I have a '76 Safari which had the galley seat combo on the port side, gone when i got the boat.
I want to put in a livewell there that i can mount a seat on. Handy drain is still there.
Anyone have any ideas about a live well that fits there and be strong enough to support the seat?
I thought I could buy or build one that has the seat base hinged to pivot the seat back giving access to the well top?

Anyone done this?

Bushwacker 04-03-2016 03:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
It wouldn't be hard to do. Here's what the original seat looks like. . . and boat model is a Seafari!

Ron342 04-04-2016 08:49 AM

Seafari live well/seat
Wow, thanks Bushwacker, that gives me an idea for mounting the seat as the original on a hinged table on top of the live well which would give me a table or bait board.
I wonder if the rotomolded live wells could support a seat or maybe hunt up an original galley to convert?

Bushwacker 04-04-2016 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ron342 (Post 242754)
. . . I wonder if the rotomolded live wells could support a seat or maybe hunt up an original galley to convert?

The galley seats are even more scarce than a Seafari, which they only about 700 of, so I wouldn't recommended modifying a seat even if you found one. The seats aren't that heavily built (made with a chopper gun layup), not much more than 1/8" thick, so you would probably have to reinforce it anyway if you put a very large tank in it. I think you'd be better off with a rotomolded live well that you could add a folding seat/table to.

Pajaro 04-08-2016 11:24 PM


I have custom seat boxes that were made for my 25 Seafari. I am installing a west coast style bait system and have pulled the boxes out. Well made with bait tank on port side box and fish hold/storage on starboard side. They have seatposts already on them. Need seats. I could put these on a pallet and ship from my shop. Hate to see them go to waste. Really well done by Strick (Well Known Member here). I will get some pics. Could let them go for $200 each plus cost to ship.

Pajaro 04-08-2016 11:39 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Pajaro (Post 242895)

I have custom seat boxes that were made for my 25 Seafari. I am installing a west coast style bait system and have pulled the boxes out. Well made with bait tank on port side box and fish hold/storage on starboard side. They have seatposts already on them. Need seats. I could put these on a pallet and ship from my shop. Hate to see them go to waste. Really well done by Strick (Well Known Member here). I will get some pics. Could let them go for $200 each plus cost to ship.

Here are pics.

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