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Joe R 06-19-2016 11:59 AM

Tracker tank replacement
ANYONE know . 21 SeaCraft, 1998 hull ,95gal tank. is it foamed in , I cant tell from the inspection port . I think it has some glass holding it into the stringers....NOTE I am having it done by a dealer...but will be keeping a close eye on the progress...the console will be unbolted with the t top and lifted off the boat and deck cut.....ANY THOUGHTS....
OK I should of kept my Potter

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
1998 / 200 Optimax 2015
Susie 2

gofastsandman 06-19-2016 03:31 PM

Pics Joe?

Joe R 06-19-2016 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by gofastsandman (Post 244680)
Pics Joe?

Boat is inside dealers building , fuel is pumped out, getting ready to de rig....I will try to get pics later in the week...I just want to ask anyone their thoughts . It is making me sick thinking of cutting into the boat,,I only had it for 7 months ...and paid top dollar for it since it had a new motor and other up dates...I should of got a survey , the boat itself is in new condition....I could not find anyone who cut the floor out of this vintage, as you read this you see I am upset with the situation ...going to take weeks- to do everyone up this way is busy. Thanks Sandy for the ear...

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

pelican 06-19-2016 06:12 PM

not trying to rub salt in your wounds...

1998 boat - fuel systems,along with other systems all have a "finite life" - just because a motor is new,doesn't mean the boat and it's systems are new

10yrs is an accepted life span of fuel systems - depending on installation techniques / prep of aluminum...

cutting a deck and replacing a fuel system - I've lost count of the decks I've cut,from proline hulls to intrepids - black fin to bayliner,i've cut many and pulled many hatches - to replace leaking fuel tanks

I've NOT cut one of those apart - no clue how it's would be my guess,the tank is foamed into place....that answer will be known,soon as the deck piece comes up....

having a survey performed by a qualified individual,that's never a bad idea,finding that qualified individual often proves difficult - I've performed MAJOR repairs for recently purchased,recently surveyed boats...

fuel systems are,in my opinion the most overlooked systems - inspection without removal is a crap a shoot...fuel hosing - fill/vent and feed are dated,viewing these dates,on the hosing gives you an idea of the system is original - that can be used as a bargaining point....again,none of these pieces have a finite life - most are overlooked,untill a problem occurs - few owners take a "proactive" approach to fuel systems....

gofastsandman 06-19-2016 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Joe R (Post 244683)
Boat is inside dealers building , fuel is pumped out, getting ready to de rig....I will try to get pics later in the week...I just want to ask anyone their thoughts . It is making me sick thinking of cutting into the boat,,I only had it for 7 months ...and paid top dollar for it since it had a new motor and other up dates...I should of got a survey , the boat itself is in new condition....I could not find anyone who cut the floor out of this vintage, as you read this you see I am upset with the situation ...going to take weeks- to do everyone up this way is busy. Thanks Sandy for the ear...

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

That is why I`m the Antique Slacker Joe.
As these hulls age, we will need knowledge.

No coffin cover for this year?

My fill hose failed port side middle of console by the turn under the chine.
The tank failed on the starboard side of the tank, not the bottom.
I think the rigging oval in the deck just outside the coffin cover allowed water to compromise the foam as the hole was just below the oval.

I had sealed the side of the oval 8 years ago to help prevent deck delamination.
I noticed that the old Makos had a FG flange above the rigging oval.
George had one and I thought I would buy it as it made sense except for chaffing.
It was too big to fit and I was too dumb to realize I could cut it to fit with a little glass work.

My tank was original to `89 and only coated w some kind of grey paint. 1/8 thick.
Top looked great when I got her... held 3 lbs.
The amount of corrosion looks like a topographical map on the sides and bottom.

The big surprise to me was the forward panel behind the bulkhead.
Lots of craters.

I`m not sure where I am going, but if I ever contemplate selling my 20, shoot me.

I think everyone who sold a 20 or an 18 had some regret.

Joe R 06-19-2016 10:11 PM

Thanks Sandy...That is a great point
( as these hulls age, we will need knowledge )
PS no coffin cover, deck has a marked area showing where tank is

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

Joe R 06-19-2016 10:38 PM

Thanks Jaws
The whole boat was up dated when I bought it ( previous post in fall )
all new wiring / electrical, incl pumps,lights,bat switches , dash ,gauges
new trim tabs
all new bolsters, leaning post, cushions , new t top canvass. new coolers
new flush mount , GPS/FF , sound system, led lights
bottom soda blasted coated and painted
new 2015 200 Optimax with 5 year protection plan

BUT here is what I now think,, guy put all this in it ,put it in the water and had problems with fuel and did not want to put any more into it, so he put it up for sale to get most/ all his money back....may be a survey could have helped ,I dont know
boat was exactly what I wanted so I paid hard earned cash ..If I knew about the fuel problem I would have offered 5 k less and had the work done past winter

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

gofastsandman 06-20-2016 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Joe R (Post 244692)
Thanks Sandy...That is a great point
( as these hulls age, we will need knowledge )
PS no coffin cover, deck has a marked area showing where tank is

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

Sure it is not a hose or clamp?
Anyone pull all hoses off and test?
3 lbs?

Joe R 06-21-2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by gofastsandman (Post 244707)
Sure it is not a hose or clamp?
Anyone pull all hoses off and test?
3 lbs?

The mechanic that did the work in the fall replaces the , sender, pickup, fuel hoses .filters, that was after I got towed in.. I wanted to clean and test the tank ,but he said what he did would take care of the problem...he is no longer working there, Then after the last breakdown we /dealer said lets just replace the tank, don't want anymore problems with fuel and possably getting the injectors messed up on a brand new motor.... I just got back from checking the boat,,,console is off and cutting out floor as we speak moving along. I will updated here for the record, if in the future anyone else has to do this to a Slacker/Tracker....I have pic but don't know how to post them

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

pelican 07-02-2016 08:13 PM


I read on another site,you're having a 60g poly tank installed ?

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