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CaptBill 07-30-2016 02:01 PM

20SF w/2013 Yam 150F What Prop is best?
1 Attachment(s)
Greetings ... Just re-powered my 87 " Voyager" with a Yammy 150 4 stroke ... Voyager earns her living taking couples out to the many reefs around Islamorada Fl. Keys... came with a Reliance Series 14 1/2 17 which works pretty good .... but not getting all RPMs on top ...
Yamaha recommends a Reliance Series 13-3/4 x 19 For a Key West 20 which is about the same size and weight .....
Any Suggestions ?? Thanks!

rich10 08-01-2016 04:09 PM

Hi Capt. Bill this is rich10 l've asked the same question but haven't gotten the answer yet I'm gonna post again. What's your m.p.h. at top end?

Terry England 08-01-2016 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by CaptBill (Post 245635)
Greetings ... Just re-powered my 87 " Voyager" with a Yammy 150 4 stroke ... came with a Reliance Series 14 1/2 17 which works pretty good .... but not getting all RPMs on top ....Any Suggestions ?? Thanks!

Always make sure you can get to maximum RPMs under a full load. Back off on the pitch and diameter until you get there or you will burn extra fuel and wear things out prematurely starting at the lower unit and working it's way up through the wrist pins. Let 'em spool up to reach maximum RPMs and they will live happily ever after - overload 'em and they will sh*t the bed.
Just ask "Hollywood Prop" Gillie or Ken Reeves at "", they'er both real smart and will set you straight!

CaptBill 08-02-2016 08:26 AM

Thanks for the info Terry... and Rich for responding... I'm installing a "New" Yamaha Tach gauge to confirm the top RPM . It seems that with this prop the motor has to turn about 5-600 rpm faster to get the same speed as with the 200HPDI

CaptBill 08-02-2016 08:29 AM

Rich ... I used to get about 42-43 at 5500 with the HPDI 200 ... current tach has bleached to the point it is almost unreadable and will change out as mentioned asap

CaptBill 08-02-2016 06:05 PM

Full Trottle RPM
Changed the Tach and was able to get 40.7 mph (via GPS) @ 5800 !
So maybe the 17 14 1/2 Yamaha Reliance prop is Okay!

rich10 08-04-2016 09:30 AM

Thanks Capt Bill for your info this is helpful

Old'sCool 08-04-2016 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by CaptBill (Post 245635)
Greetings ... Just re-powered my 87 " Voyager" with a Yammy 150 4 stroke ... Voyager earns her living taking couples out to the many reefs around Islamorada Fl. Keys... came with a Reliance Series 14 1/2 17 which works pretty good .... but not getting all RPMs on top ...
Yamaha recommends a Reliance Series 13-3/4 x 19 For a Key West 20 which is about the same size and weight .....
Any Suggestions ?? Thanks!

What bimini top is on that 20'? Looks xtra HD!

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