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Eric B 09-03-2016 02:18 PM

Hurricane Boat anchor
Interested to know if any one has tried this American made anchor and what they thought of it. Considering the 22lb for my Sceptre.

DonV 09-03-2016 05:35 PM

Never used one of those, actually never heard of it, however I've used these and they are bad ass....

But that's not what you need. You need more polished SS bling on the bow......don't worry about the price difference! :)

abl1111 09-03-2016 06:07 PM


What kind of bottom are you using that in ?

I use a Danforth in almost exclusively sandy bottom with healthy doses of seaweed from time to time. However, I like the one pc design of the plow.

Bushwacker 09-03-2016 09:31 PM

Hurricane tiedowns
If you really want to protect your boat, put it on trailer and install one of these at front and back of boat trailer, tie trailer down to anchors and tie boat to trailer . . . assuming you are on high enough ground to be above storm surge of course! For additional margin, put chocks in front and back of tires, let some air out of tires, lower nose wheel on trailer, leave bilge plug out, and fill bilge with water until it runs out transom drain.

DonV 09-03-2016 11:38 PM

I'm with ya on the one piece! I use it on both sand and grass, however if I'm going to be anchoring in a rocky area I always connect the end of the chain to the head of the anchor (for lack of a better word), the fluke end and use large tie wraps to attach a link of the chain to the main anchor connection. I noticed looking at a Google search the anchor is recommended by one of the "TV fishing show Captains", and they had it set up this way at the beginning of the video, just in case you hang up on a rock. No matter what, lots of chain is your friend. Plus I liked the part of the video where the sweet young lady was throwing the anchor off the boat....almost makes it worth the price! :)

Eric B 09-04-2016 10:29 AM

Hey Don,

I have used the Lewmar claw anchor. I have had terrible luck in sea grass with it and hear the Delta had the same issue? It was amazing in sand and Tampa Bay mud.

Capt.Nate 09-06-2016 03:04 PM

Looks interesting. It got me searching around and this one looks pretty cool too. I just ordered a claw anchor but these have me second guessing it. Maybe there is some trick camera work in the production of these vids though..

DonV 09-06-2016 05:59 PM

I'm with ya Nate on this. You and Eric are close to each other in St. Pete, if you get one of either the Hurricane or Mantas you two could do an impartial side by side test! :)

Eric B 09-06-2016 06:06 PM

Reading some reviews on their testimonials on the Manta webpage. These are real people in real, some scary, situations. I think I will give the 25lb a shot! no more Lewmar claw for me!

DonV 09-06-2016 07:27 PM

Interesting how they rate the anchor's weight to boat size and conditions, a lunch, working, storm and violent storm. I thought the 25# was overkill, however as working anchor it's just right. Good luck!

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