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NoBones 10-03-2016 09:50 PM

Not Good !
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 13419

bumpdraft 10-03-2016 10:33 PM

I put up about two thirds of my shutters a month or so ago when we went away for a while. Something told me to leave them up a little longer after we got home. At least I don't have much to do here. May be helping a friend do about 40 houses.
Thinking about Haiti tonight. Haiti clinic just built a new building there.

DonV 10-03-2016 11:03 PM

Yikes Ken, looks like a bit of a western movement towards Area 442, we having a hurricane party??

DonV 10-04-2016 07:47 AM

To all our friends in Florida, especially the east coast this week, here's a link to the MBG forum. This "BubbaB" guy works for the NWS and updates these maps all day. Ya don't need the local news talking heads for up to date information.

uncleboo 10-04-2016 08:00 AM

Hey NoBones, how bout you guys line up and start blowing real hard to the east!

Terry England 10-04-2016 09:59 AM

That looks like it might become a big ornery deal. Not sure if the mountains on the east end of Cuba will knock it down much.
Make like a Matador, and when you see where it's going "step out of the way". Head east and south or it's liable to chase you up to the east coast to New Jersey. They always go north. Grab the important stuff and haul ass early, or you'll get stuck in a traffic jamb and ride the storm out on the highway.
Remember, It's all just "stuff" you are worried about and you can get more "stuff". When they put you in the "Pine Box", you ain't takin much of that shit with you anyhow. Don't be like Steve Martin in the movie The Jerk, when he was leaving Bernadette Peters!!!

Snookerd 10-04-2016 10:11 AM

It better not keep turning west!

gofastsandman 10-04-2016 07:05 PM

I`m putting` N numbers on the side of the house.
Then I`m callin` PBIA and filing a flight plan.
Local touch n go landings.

That damn low pressure in the gulf split in 2 this morning...

NoBones 10-04-2016 11:30 PM

O' chit !!
1 Attachment(s)
We are in deep doo,doo....:(

Attachment 13429

Going into full survival mode tomorrow !!

500 lbs propane, (Generac Generator) check
Bottled water, Negative (Live off well)
Flash lights, check
Loaded AR, 12 gauge, 40 cal, 9 mm, 308.... yes yes and yes ..
Tractor fueled and ready, Old 3/4 ton 4 X 4 Chevy ready..
No self respecting looter would even think about venturing close to Area 442..

Biggest fear, trees and road damage from non stop rain.

Price you pay for living in isolation !

More later, hopefully .....

DonV 10-04-2016 11:43 PM

Yeah Ken, when your standing up to your bottom lip in deep doo doo....don't make a wave!! IF...there is any good news you are not in the 12:00 to 3:00 position of the storm!! If this thing was coming up the west coast like it is projected to go up your coast we would be in way more than deep poop with tide surge!!!!!! Good luck my friend!!!!

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