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SailorChlud 11-12-2016 07:35 PM

Jumping in with Both Feet on a 20 Seafari
2 Attachment(s)
Greetings, all:

I am new to Seacraft ownership, and have been lurking on the forum for a few weeks in preparation of the receipt of a 1972 Seafari. It arrived today! The boat comes from Cape Cod, where it was last on the water about 5-6 years ago. I actually rode in it then and said to myself: "this thing might sink with me on it". The bulkheads were rotten, the door was missing, the teak sideboards had aged to a special shade of brown gross, and the electrical was a rat's nest.

In the last few years, the prior owner removed much of the interior systems: fuel, steering, electrical, motor, carpeting, etc.

Then it sat, and I rescued it. My plan is to first get the transom done, repair a 3 foot section of the keel that was compromised, fill in a bunch of holes and other cracks in the gelcoat, all with an eye to not a restoration, but a return to workmanlike condition. The emphasis will be on function, not necessarily beautification, as my budget will not allow that.

I will thank all on this forum in advance for my inevitable onslaught of questions over the next months as I rebuild this beautiful boat.

Here are a few photos of the current condition:
Attachment 13654

Attachment 13655

SailorChlud 11-12-2016 07:37 PM

more photos
3 Attachment(s)
Here are a few more

Dogbomb 11-13-2016 10:43 AM

Congratulations! Looks like a great project.
I am involved in a similar endeavor on the same year
and model, but on the other side of the country.
So far it's been a lot of work, but a ton of fun.
I look forward to seeing your progress, and I'll
be jealous if you get yours in the water first...

SailorChlud 11-13-2016 07:09 PM

comparing notes
Thanks, Dogbomb. Due to work constraints, I will be having a talented glass guy, who has done work on other Seacrafts, to re-do the transom, raising it to 25 inches, and other miscellaneous fiberglass work. That will give me a significant head start. It will be good to compare notes.

For instance, my bulkheads are shot. Are you replacing yours? If so, what is your plan for that - just plywood and poly? Or something more decorative?

Dogbomb 11-14-2016 01:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by SailorChlud (Post 247976)
For instance, my bulkheads are shot. Are you replacing yours? If so, what is your plan for that - just plywood and poly? Or something more decorative?

Glad you got a good glass guy! That really speeds up the process.
I made new bulkheads out of 1/2" marine ply. I pressure glued a 1/4"
Poplar veneer on the front for added strength and because I really
like how the grain contrasts my new teak doors. 7 coats of varnish
later they're ready to install.

SailorChlud 11-15-2016 05:12 PM

bulkheads look good!
The tone of the wood and the grain are pretty. I am thinking about either fir or mahogany plywood for the bulkheads. My wood side trim pieces were treated with a mess of stains, and look outright disgusting. I may strip them and see how they turn out, or cover them with vinyl bolster material. That will be a next summer project as "must have" systems like steering and gas tank will take priority over cosmetics for now. What diameter steering wheel did you install? and did you do hydraulic or mechanical steering?

Dogbomb 11-16-2016 07:26 PM

Thank you, John!
I'm using a 15" wheel, and I'm currently rebuilding
a vintage Hynautic hydraulic steering system.
What kind of outboard are you planning on using?

SailorChlud 11-18-2016 09:34 AM

As to Outboards, I have been scouting the possibilities. I am going to try to keep to the advice of a few experienced CSC members, and target a lighter motor with a horsepower range of 115-140 max. Really going to try to keep to the 115 if I can find one at a good price with good maintenance history. New power is out of my price range for this project, so I will try to get something in the under $4000 range. The transom will be raised to 25 inches.

I plan to install and rig it myself, unless the seller happens to be a shop that will make a deal on installation and rigging.

GameOnSalmon 11-18-2016 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Dogbomb (Post 248058)
Thank you, John!
I'm using a 15" wheel, and I'm currently rebuilding
a vintage Hynautic hydraulic steering system.
What kind of outboard are you planning on using?

Dogbomb... Nice to see another West Coastie On here besides all the easties.... Im Up in idaho but run to Cali a lot... Keep in touch.


Originally Posted by SailorChlud (Post 248103)
As to Outboards, I have been scouting the possibilities. I am going to try to keep to the advice of a few experienced CSC members, and target a lighter motor with a horsepower range of 115-140 max. Really going to try to keep to the 115 if I can find one at a good price with good maintenance history. New power is out of my price range for this project, so I will try to get something in the under $4000 range. The transom will be raised to 25 inches.

I plan to install and rig it myself, unless the seller happens to be a shop that will make a deal on installation and rigging.

Sailor - I have had both the 20' seafari and the 20' sceptre.... My advice find a 150 - 175 - 200 Merc EFI. You can find them pretty cheap now a days. Pretty dam good fuel economy and only about 40 lbs more than a Inline 115 they come in around 428 Lbs.

I ran a 150 on the Seafari and put a 200 on my Sceptre with a Jack Plate. After running both... The 200 Was the Only option i would consider... The engine won't cost you any more money... Most come with a Low Water Pick Up unit and the Jack Plate will let you get the engine height perfect before you prop it. My little sceptre 20' was a Bad Ass Ride with the 200 had i kept it the next jump would have been a 250 with a Revolution Merc 4 blade prop.

Just food for thought.... IMHO There will be almost no price difference between a 115 and a 200 especially if you go Black EFI and the weight is minimal.

Also flyingfrizzle redid a 20' Sceptre and hung a merc 225 EFI back there which is another 50 lbs heavier than the 200 because its a big block. He had good balance on that boat and it FLEW like ka Rocket.... U might do a search on his Rebuild of the 20' Sceptre.


SailorChlud 11-18-2016 08:35 PM

Thanks, Robert
Interesting thoughts. Will be mulling all that over this winter, as the motor will not be needed until April.

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