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NoBones 04-12-2017 05:54 PM

New Power
1 Attachment(s)
Lil' NoBones (Kenny) has decided to re-power the 1987 23 Sceptre.. :cool:

As some of you may recall he enclosed the transom and added a Hermco
bracket last year. He has been running his 1998 250HP EFI Merc since..

Tired of having a Tanker follow him around the Atlantic Ocean to re-fuel
every 10 hours, put a deposit down on a new 300 HP Suzuki (white one)
from a local Suzuki Dealer in New Smyrna Beach..

What we would like to see is pics from Moose & Snookered and anyone else running a similar configuration on their fly by wire control box mounting. IE: Binnacle or side mount ? The 3.5 X 3.5 gauge mount as well.... What prop is working best.. He is agonizing over the four blade option..:rolleyes:

Need to know what Sea Star adapter plate (Ram 5345) you guys used as well.

He sold the Mercury in one day of advertising it this weekend, after taking the new owner for a 50 MPH boat ride Sunday.. :eek:. So he is like any kid that his baby is dry docked for the next week or two.. HELP.. Dad is on a mission.

Attachment 14513

Thanks guys !

gofastsandman 04-12-2017 07:09 PM

Check IM for pricing. Mike is waiting for a call.

DonV 04-12-2017 07:23 PM

Way to go Ken putting pressure on me!! Lil Ken is looking at the same engine I'm thinking of going with, just like Brian, Danny, Eric, Moose, etc. have already done, plus my "cheap bastard" hero JimC is thinking of finally letting go of his original serial #0001 Yamaha two smoker that came over just after the big one.....WWII!!! This Suzuki is on his list!!!!

I know how Lil Ken feels, my 3.0 225 EFI just won't break and it runs like a scalded ape, the only thing it breaks is the bank!!!

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread!


kmoose 04-12-2017 08:37 PM

Side binicle is the way to go. The gauge sucks on the original dash if you have electronics in the way. My new helm is being built with a slanted face to accommodate all the stuff I wanted to always see. Depending on how light he is the 3 blade 16x18.5 Zuke prop is about as good as it gets but that all may change with the Hermco mount.

Snookerd 04-12-2017 08:43 PM

Df 300
4 Attachment(s)
He should get the 18.5 stock 3 blade and have a beer and worry about North Korea!:eek: Briguy has the 20 with a bracket and because of the SF Console making the balance so far back, he still is at 5950. I'm barely getting 6000 with the 18.5. Kenny would get the Sweet spot with the 30 setback and clean water!

Snookerd 04-12-2017 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by kmoose (Post 250733)
My new helm is being built with a slanted face to accommodate all the stuff I wanted to always see.

My wheel and gauges are on the modified - slanted face. A lot easier to see stuff. I like my binnacle dash mounted.

77SceptreOB 04-12-2017 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 250730) my "cheap bastard" hero JimC is thinking of finally letting go of his original serial #0001 Yamaha two smoker that came over just after the big one.....WWII!!! This Suzuki is on his list!!!!


I actually placed a call to Mike at IM earlier today...LOL! Waiting on his response.

kmoose 04-13-2017 09:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Snookerd (Post 250736)
My wheel and gauges are on the modified - slanted face. A lot easier to see stuff. I like my binnacle dash mounted.

I don't mind the binnacle mount but I use a helm chair and am back further from the helm and keep my electronics on the dash closest to me. It is amazing how much difference in ride it is being back a foot more from the front of the boat. I am also tall and ducking under the windshield has caused some bumps and bruises that have been negated by moving controls back. If Ken Jr. is standing up most of the time and not running big electronics the dash mount works but for me and Mel the side (bass boat) binnacle is a perfect fit as we sit in the thrown with our feet on the footrest.

From this pic you can see how far back I am and why I dash mount would be difficult. It comes down to what style and configuration of electronics Ken is using. His runs may not be as long as ours on the west coast so he may stand the whole time he is running.

kmoose 04-13-2017 09:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
A pic of my dash layout. As you can see there is little view of the original instrument panel.

Snookerd 04-13-2017 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by kmoose (Post 250745)
I don't mind the binnacle mount but I use a helm chair and am back further from the helm and keep my electronics on the dash closest to me.

Yep, that's the way it would work if I were sitting. Sitting, side binnacle. Standing, dash binnacle.

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