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TopSeacret 05-23-2017 02:51 AM

20' MA half tower?
Is the idea of putting a half tower on one of these boats crazy? Way out of line? Has anyone done it?

Most of the half towers I see are on boats that are at least 8' wide. The MA is 7' 6".

Not that it makes a huge difference but when we restored the boat we went with a 30" console.

Something similar to this...

JohnC 05-23-2017 08:50 AM

I have a similar crazy notion with my 77 MA. I have a console I am going to modify that will top out at 48-49". I was going to make a zipper access in the top so I an stand on the console through the top for a better view. You could do the same thing with pipe work if you don't have a taller console. You can also reinforce the top so that you can sit or stand (although standing that high up on a 20 may get shaky). Getting a few feet higher is sometimes a big deal when running and gunning for phins or looking for rocks in the gulf. My thoughts are much less ambitious than what you are talking about with full controls on top but perhaps a different way to skin the same cat. Good luck.
No idea is too crazy, as long your willing to post plenty of pictures for the rest of us!!

Terry England 05-23-2017 12:01 PM

Spotting tower
No Bones has a folding "spotting tower" on his 20.

TomParis 05-23-2017 07:11 PM

what is more interesting is the motor choice made by that owner, a 225 is a pretty heavy motor to hang on these 20' Seacraft.

DonV 05-23-2017 08:10 PM

I saw your yellow SeaCraft on Instagram, sweet!! I'm thinking you are good on horsepower!! :)

gofastsandman 05-23-2017 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Terry England (Post 251520)
No Bones has a folding "spotting tower" on his 20.

The Cobia perch.

TopSeacret 05-23-2017 09:56 PM

Thanks for the input. I definitely don't think it would be safe to put a traditional "crows nest" on top of a ttop. I would want the standing platform to be pretty close to the top of the console. It would put you maybe 4ft in air giving you a little better vantage point.. but is 4ft worth the work, cost and addition weight in the boat? Anyone have any experience in one of these "half towers"?

TomParis- When we restored the boat we dropped as much weight as possible including cutting 25gal out of the back of the original 70gal tank, replacing the big heavy MA console with a smaller lighter console and replacing all the rotted, waterlogged wood under the tank with coosa board. We must of pulled close to 100lbs of waterlogged wood out.

The 200, 225 & 250hp Opti's all weigh 505lbs. The 150-175hp Opti's are lighter weighing 431lbs but the additional 75lbs was worth it for us. The boat actually floats better now then before and we cruise around at 3000-3300 rpm's getting a little over 4mpg... plus I can touch 60 if I'm feeling froggy.

TopSeacret 05-24-2017 12:39 AM

Anyone have pics of No Bones perch?

NoBones 05-24-2017 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by TopSeacret (Post 251528)
Anyone have pics of No Bones perch?

Post from last month "T-top's on 20's"

It is the best seat in the house !!

TopSeacret 05-24-2017 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by NoBones (Post 251529)
Post from last month "T-top's on 20's"

It is the best seat in the house !!

Very cool!

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